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Tag Archives: quadzilla
Quadzilla Eats Batteries
In just one hour, I changed clothes, found my overalls, wormed into my overalls, removed the battery, drove to Autozone, argued with them, obtained a new replacement battery (for free), drove home, and installed the new battery. Sometimes, I impress … Continue reading
Yup, It’s Mine
I changed out the belts on quadzilla today. Without the supercharger, this is a 4 minute job, with the supercharger, it takes me a couple of hours. I have to take off the intake tubes, the fan shroud, and finally … Continue reading
More Rear-End Fun
Today was filled with lots of assembly, measurement, disassembly, re-shim, assembly, measure, repeat. I think I have everything within spec now, and my mesh pattern looks good (to me at least). Tomorrow, I’m going to add an extra 5 thousandths … Continue reading
It’s Worse Than I Thought
I noticed this area inside the differential housing was ground down. I guess the carrier bearings were so worn that the bolt-side of the carrier was flexing into the housing. That’s not so bad, but this next part is. I … Continue reading
Quadrasteer / Dana 60 Axle Differences and Similarities
The quadrasteer variant of the Dana 60 has 12 bolt holes instead of 10. A standard gasket is shown on the right. If you call a Dana Spicer dealer, they will want to know the “Bill of Materials” or “Build Number”. Mine … Continue reading
Quadrasteer Carrier – Trac-Lok
The new Dana Trac-Lok carrier I ordered doesn’t fit. (Supposed to be a standard Dana 60 component) It is overall about 3/16″ shorter than the one that came out of the axle. I didn’t think that would be necessarily wrong, so I … Continue reading
Quadrasteer / Dana 60 Rebuild How-To (ring, pinion, carrier replacement)
The rear axle on a Quadrasteer equiped vehicle is a Dana 60. It is a pretty common unit that was used on the front of many 1 ton trucks in the 70s, 80s and 90s, and some muscle cars in … Continue reading
Posted in Automotive
Tagged axle, dana 60, differential, gears, pinion, positraction, quadrasteer, quadzilla, ring, ring and pinion
We had a Successful Operation
And when I say successful, I’m using it in the same sense Tom Hanks did in the movie ‘The Green Mile’ after they electrocuted that guy without any water on the sponge. The quadrasteer motor and gearbox block access to … Continue reading
Raise Me 6 Inches
I jacked quadzilla up by the frame instead of the axle this time and noticed that sitting on the jack stands is about the height I want it to be. The top of the wheels are the same height as … Continue reading
Quadzilla Repairs
I started the work to remove the rear differential carrier today. I didn’t get too far though, got started too late. I did get the wheels off, the spare tire removed, rear tie rods disconnected, parking brake linkage off. I … Continue reading