Three Years of Lies from BO

Glenn Beck* talks about the series of lies over the past three years from BO and the repercussions of the Obamacare ruling.
“The IRS is now the most powerful arm of the federal government”
“If we are involved, if we are informed, if we have the facts, …we win”

GBR: Lies for three years
*(I’m still mad at Beck for throwing Debra Medina under the bus, and don’t trust him. Regardless of my feelings, Beck makes some excellent points here.)

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Plant a Garden, Save the World

Grow some of your own food.  Learn to garden.  These things are some of the most important things an individual can do, and some of the reasons I spend lots of my own time and treasure with the Citizen Gardener program.

How important is this?  Consider what Majory says in her recent email newsletter:

Over the years I’ve watched time and time again as the US Government passed laws that reduced personal liberty, violated the constitution, or blatantly transferred more wealth to the already wealthy.

At first I naively thought, “Wow, this is outrageous and will surely cause a riot”. But no, nothing really ever happened. Maybe some protests, demonstrations, or even a bit of debate by the talking heads on TV…

I continue to watch as more and more rights are eroded away, more and more money is printed, and the US Gov’t continues to get bigger and more powerful.

It just goes on and on. I figure Alex Jones is a prime candidate for a heart attack (and most likely it will be on the air) as he communicates atrocity after atrocity.

Surely people must be outraged?

The Tea Party and the Occupy movement have some spunk, but nothing really in comparison to the magnitude of the crimes. The powers that be seem to be able to do anything they like while people continue to roll over not care.

I often wondered – just what does it take to make people really revolt? Continue reading

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My Apology (and More) to Harry Pierce

I was approached in person by ex-candidate Harry Pierce, who complained to me about a few things.  His main complaint was that I called his motives into question.  His secondary complaint was that I indicated he didn’t have an understanding of the US Constitution.

My Apology (and comments) to Harry Pierce and Josh Caesar

I reviewed the post “Unqualified Congress Candidates” to see what I actually said. I agree that I unfairly called their motives (Josh Ceasar’s too) into question.  My intent was to call their qualifications into question.

For this, I apologize.

The main point I was trying to make in that post was how surprised I was that neither of the two candidates could name even one of the 18 powers given to congress by the US Constitution.

Harry brought up his military service as an example of how he fought for the Constitution. This was his example that we are both on the same side, and it is wrong for me to tear down one of my own team members. In a sense, this is correct, but I mostly disagree. I want all elected officials to really understand the meaning of the Constitution. I don’t think this is asking too much. I stand by my original statements. If you say you do in fact know the Constitution, that is fine, but you failed the test. 0 out of 18.

Harry also asked me how I would like it if someone made blog posts about me.  My answer to this is if I ask to be elected to office, calling out my abilities publicly is fair game.

Thanks for reading my blog and watching my video. I’m a gen-ex-er. I think this is how people should communicate public issues. Out in the open, honestly, for all to see.

Harry, if you read this, I encourage to leave me a message in the comments, or make your own video.  And please, if you expect to be elected to public office, learn what’s in the US Constitution!

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Sustainable Development and Agenda 21

A short video I recorded tonight on the topic of sustainable development and Agenda 21:

Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, and Agenda 21
“Individual Rights Must Take a Back Seat to the Collective” is the summation of the Agenda 21 AKA “Sustainable Development” movement.  This is tragic, because I’m a big proponent of sustainability, and would like to paint this movement in the best light possible.  Unfortunately, much of the push from the UN/ICLEI to adopt these practices are in direct conflict with basics of living in a free society. (USA for example)  To give an idea of the scope of Agenda 21, here is a quote from a 1993 UN report. The article was entitled “Agenda 21:The Earth Summit Strategy to Save our Planet.”

Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by every person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of all people…Effective execution of Agenda 21 will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.

Some of the most alarming aspects of the Agenda 21 path:

  • denies personal property ownership
  • forces humans to live in packed cities, where resources can be delivered ‘more efficiently’
  • views needs of all life and animals as equal in importance to the needs of humans
  • restricts and controls all resources humans can use

For more information about the negative aspects of Agenda 21, visit the JBS website.

My thoughts on how to implement sustainability without implementing Agenda 21 style rules:

  • consider all stakeholders in design projects (includes wildlife)
  • minimize waste, minimize inputs
  • work with nature, not against it
  • observe, interact, adjust
  • use and store energy closest to source
  • operate on as local scale as possible, expand on a controlled front

All of the above suggestions come straight out of the Permaculture design system.  In short, the answer to sustainable development is to implement Permaculture everywhere.  The key contrast to this method and Agenda 21 methods is local control by stakeholders vs global control by an entity with desires to control every aspect of the planet.  Local is better!

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Rights and Commodities

Is healthcare, food, shelter, or water a right?
Bill Whittle discusses how Obamacare works, in theory.


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IRS is 150 Years Old

One of the most evil branches of the government is the IRS.  They are about to turn 150, so I thought I would jot down a few notes about the agency.

  • Started by Abraham Lincoln (and the Congress) to pay for Civil War (emergency and temporary tax) in 1862
  • New concept:  We copied a new British system of taxing income, instead of taxing trade and property.
  • Rate started at 3%, quickly went up to 10%
  • Declared unconstitutional in 1894
  • The Socialist Party advocated a graduated income tax in 1887.  (see plank #2 of The Communist Manifesto)
  • The Democratic Party proposed an income tax in its 1908 platform.
  • The 16th Amendment was passed in 1913 (1913 was a terrible year for liberty) asserting the authority of the federal government to tax individual incomes
  • The income tax rate for everyone making less than $453,292/yr (adjusted for inflation) was 1% in 1913. (from Tax Foundation)
  • Rates quickly increased, and reached 94% in some brackets.
  • Today, something like 97% of the federal income taxes paid come from only 50% of the population, 70% of the taxes come from 10% of population, and  37% of the taxes come from 1% of the population. (about 1/2 of US ‘taxpayers’ do not pay any federal income tax) (from NTU)
  • An estimated 22% of the cost of everything we buy (including services), has a hidden ‘IRS tax’ built in.  This cost is what the it takes to comply with the over-complicated tax laws. (from FairTax)
  • The tax law contains 72,536 pages of rules, regulations, and rulings.  (from Cato)
  • Tax law is the number one target of government lobbyist and special-interest groups.
  • Tax law is the most used method of using the force of government to pick winners and losers.
  • The ATF (BATF/BATFE) was born out of the IRS, and has grown to liberty-stomping size as aspiring bureaucrat leaders figured out ways to grow their gangs of thugs in the name of War on Drugs, War on Guns, and the War on Terror.  As far as I can tell, the BATFE focuses on killing innocent people and covering up the truth more than protecting the interests of us citizens.
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The Effects of Time + Chance

Darwinist would say I should have a universe of life, but all I found was some busted plastic and alkaline batteries.  Maybe the Aggies are right, we just need more time!

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Bryson Graduated PreK

Amber got a few pictures from Bryson’s last day of pre-school:


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Pictures of Aiden at 10 Months

The baby is growing up! He is already looking more like a boy and wow is he growing fast. Judging from his food intake, he will be about 10 foot tall in another 10 months or so.  He is very good at crawling, stands up while holding on to somethings, is very fast at knocking drinks off of tables, and his favorite pastime is slamming doors.

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This is Watergate With 300 Dead People

It hasn’t all come out, yet. The story told here is likely the truth, or very close to it. I thank God that the some of the founders of our country insisted on adding the second amendment. It is one of the few things standing in the way of complete tyranny. I suspect that BO’s regime doesn’t mind lying, cheating, or being accomplice to a few hundred murders if it means they might be given the opportunity for a new gun grab attempt. The only thing stopping them are the brains and the will of their subjects, errr, I mean citizens.

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Follow the Ideology

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