Swivel Studs for Ruger 10/22 With Composite Stock

It doesn’t seem right to have a rifle without a sling.  The world’s most popular rifle, the Ruger 10/22 doesn’t have swivel studs or other provisions for mounting a sling.  Adding swivel studs is easy if you have the wood stock, like the one on my Liberty Training Rifle, but the plastic had me scratching my head.  Searching around on the forums to find out what other people do, I see it is common to use a machine thread on the front and wood thread on the rear with added epoxy for strength.  I had an extra kit like the one pictured above (Uncle Mike’s QD 115 Sling Swivels (1-1/4-Inch)) which is exactly what you need for this job.

For the front mount, I used the machine threaded stud with a dab of low-strength threadlocker.  I did have to shorten the bolt by cutting about half of it off.  I choose to place the stud behind the barrel band and leave the band in place because I didn’t like the look of the fore-end without it, and I figure it is designed to have the band installed anyway for reasons unknown by me.

For the rear, I used the wood threaded stud, but didn’t bother with trying to use epoxy.  It looked like I had more then 1/4″ of plastic, and the stud seemed very sturdy.  So it was a simple task of drilling a hole and threading the stud.

I like to splurge for the extra-beefy mil-spec Uncle Mikes swivel mount on the front, but go with the wire hoop on the rear to accommodate a M1/M14 style sling, which is my favorite style sling.

I am going to have to buy a new set of sights for this rifle.  I hate the stock Ruger sights.  The front sight is too tiny to focus on and the rear sight has multiple notches that provides a confusing silhouette so you instinctively don’t know how to aim.  The Tech Sights are my favorite, and the price is fair.


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Brysons First Day on Bicycle

I put the pedals back on Bryson’s bike and raised the seat up. He was riding in just a few minutes!

Brysons first day on bicycle – YouTube.

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Links, Quotes, News, and Pics – January 19, 2013

Arguments about the second amendment used to revolve around whether guns keep us free. These days, however, they’re all about whether guns keep us safe. Something significant has already been lost, even if we still have the right to bear arms.  –  Smart Guns To Stop Mass Killings – Slashdot.

Remaining marginal is no badge of honor 

Who’s a Sellout?


…taking personal pride in shirking politics is not strength. The easiest thing in the world someone can do is “not care.” Risking nothing is cheap. Self-marginalization is not a badge of honor; it is the refuge of a wimp.

Cops Are Outraged That New York’s New Magazine Limit Could Apply to Them

Cops are complaining about the lack of a double standard…

DNAinfo.com calls the absence of a law-enforcement exemption a “loophole in the law,” but in fact it is the very opposite of a loophole: Cops are outraged at the possibility that they might be treated the same as “a regular citizen” under the law. One has to wonder: If, as Seabrook says, the new magazine limit will have no impact on criminals and if, as Seabrook and Palladino agree, more than seven rounds sometimes are necessary to “save lives,” what justification can there be for imposing this arbitrary restriction not just on “law-abiding retired cops” but on law-abiding citizens in general?

Proposed Brady Bunch Bill – By Doug Giles Continue reading

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Another Way Time Warner Sucks

A few weeks ago I finally ditched my Time Warner Internet service.  Reason:  My Internet service had quit working, again, it was going to take them 8 days to get to my house to even look at it.  Their competitor could get here sooner and install new service, so I switched.  I’ve been real happy with my new service through Grande Communications.  It is faster and cheaper than Time Warner was.

Yesterday evening my new service quit working.  I was able to get a technician out to look at it first thing in the morning.  He was very surprised that it was ‘dead’ as in zero signal.  Turns out it had been disconnected at the alley box.  The Time Warner subcontractor was evidently out yesterday evening to disconnect / lock out my old service, but they screwed up and disconnected the wrong service!  Idiots!

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Links, Videos, Pictures, and News – January 17, 2013

Colion Noir put out another awesome video (4 minutes):

MrColionNoir: How to Stop MASS SHOOTINGS

I don’t agree with some of what the NRA is doing and not sure I like the fact that their main guy is a lifetime DC lobbiest. Those things aside, they are the strongest and most effective second amendment rights group in the world. I suggest everyone join and donate money to them. (and GOA too!)

“Barack Obama won’t have two sets of rules – armed guards for his rich friends and their elite schools, restrictions and gun free zones for ours.” Continue reading

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Links and News – January 13, 2013 part 2

I’ll be away from the Interwebz for the next few days, so I’m doubling up on todays feed!

From Jack Hunter

Great piece by Brian Doherty: “Important aspects of Paulism—a willingness to seriously cut government spending and functions, an unwillingness to be a good party member at all costs, a willingness to rethink our foreign military and aid commitments and respect civil liberties—still have a scattering of staunch defenders, one of them also named Paul. And if federal irresponsibility on spending and debt continues as it seems it will, these radical solutions may start seeming sensible and necessary to more than just the 11 percent of the GOP primary voters who made Ron Paul a legend.”

The Ron Paul Legacy – Reason.com

Pictures and Posters:

I say this is a great idea:  The second and tenth amendments are my favorites by the way!

Woodlands lawmaker wants to make federal weapons ban illegal in Texas

OK, that’s it!

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Billy – Amidst The Noise

A week ago, a video circulated of a man explaining and digging in to gun and crime data.  He seems to be well aware of the divisive, dishonest, fear-based ‘news’ we are immersed in.  He rails against mainstream media and politicians.  He is a voice of truth and reason:

Choose Your Own Crime Stats
His second video, every bit as good as the first: Words, Language, and Labels: The power they hold and how media and politicians use them against us

War of the Words
Judging from his nearly 1 million views in just a week of starting out and how great his messages are, I’m guessing he will soon rising to some sort of importance. I hope he does, I’ll be following his releases!
Here he explains a little about ‘who he is’:

It’s not me, it’s you

AdmidsTheNoise youtube channel

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SPLC and your Local Police

SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POLICE AND KEEP THEM INDEPENDENT! – The Southern Poverty Law Center prides itself on “fighting hate, teaching tolerance and seeking justice.” Yet, explore their recent efforts in targeting law-abiding Americans, and that veneer of righteousness quickly peels away.

There is a tie to the actions of the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) and the trend to federalize our local police.  SPLC calls out hate groups, which is a noble effort, except that most recently they actually use this as a weapon to combat groups that hold political values opposite their liberal agenda.  In other words they often target people and groups who are not actual hate groups at all, but just don’t fall in line with the SPLC’s political ideals.  [This is the true meaning of what it means to not be Politically Correct – going against the Narrative]

Examples of ‘hate groups’ as defined by SPLC that I’m familiar with include:  National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, Wall Builders Ministry, Family Research Council, Christian Action Network, and of course the John Birch Society.

The SPLC has the ear of DHS.  After a FOIA forced DHS to reveal why they considered liberty groups, conservative groups, and veterans as possible terrorist, it was revealed that much of that information came directly from the SPLC.  This information is pushed and shared with virtually all local police departments, spreading misinformation to all parts of the USA.

Please consider talking to your local police chief about this issue.  I’d like our local police to remain independent of federal influence.  It is important that local police departments understand the manipulative nature of the SPLC and how the information they push out becomes ‘intelligence’ then pushed to local police departments from federal departments.

JBS has a 16 minute DVD video on this subject, as well as Support Your Local Police information packets to help!

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Links and More – January 13, 2013

gEEk humor:  The White House responded to an online petition to build  a Death Star by 2016.  Their response was hilarious:

This Isn’t the Petition Response You’re Looking For | We the People: Your Voice in Our Government.

Gut-Laugh funny video:  “Legends in their own mind.” – Video Compilation from Carl.

I attempted to further ween myself off of facebook by installing friendica on my web hosting account.  The requirements to use SSL are going to cost me more than I want to spend, and it doesn’t completely work correctly yet because I don’t have the connectors functional, but this is the direction I think we need to go.  Facebook will fall out of favor soon enough, because they are beholden to shareholders to maximize profit.  (it is actually a legal responsibility called fiduciary)  As alternate platforms develop with features that focus on benefiting the user instead of the corporation, I think they will eventually replace the big centralized tools.  Friendica connects with all other platforms:  facebook, twitter, tumblr, and even diaspora.  The idea is that all these decentralized ‘nodes’ all talk the same language and interact with each other…. a convergence of content and functionality, so you aren’t beholden to any one system and you have complete control and ownership of your content.

My friendica profile: http://social.briangallimore.com/profile/b

My diaspora profile: https://joindiaspora.com/u/kb5won

Pictures / Posters / Political Propaganda: Continue reading

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Links and Bits – January 12, 2013

Stories like this are depressing.  Prominant folks working toward openness and freedom being bullied by the government, then dying.  (I still haven’t got over Breitbart’s death)  Be sure to watch the video in the second link below (also embedded in this post):

From Amber Lyon:

Tragedy. A family member reports Internet freedom of information activist and Reddit cofounder Aaron Swartz committed suicide yesterday.

The Feds have spent nearly two years going after Aaron Swartz to ‘make an example out him’. His crime? Mass downloading pricey, taxpayer-funded academic documents to give the public free access to the information. For that, Swartz was facing a potential 35 years in prison and $1,000,000 in fines.

When reporting on his suicide, I hope the mainstream media discusses how the U.S. Government bullied Aaron Swartz, possibly to death…

‘Feds Go Overboard in Prosecuting Information Activist:


RIP, Aaron Swartz:


F2C2012: Aaron Swartz keynote – “How we stopped SOPA”
Interesting to me to hear Aaron speaking about SOPA/PIPA and speaking highly of progressiveism but negatively of tyrannical government actions.  I see the two as interlocked in spit-swapping love-fest. Continue reading

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