Gay Marriage Under the US Constitution

Adapted from a Dave C post on Adrian M‘s Facebook page.

To understand Ron Paul’s positions, you cannot look at them simply as for/against issues. There is much more to it. Look into what he is saying.

Drugs and Prostitution — Ron Paul does NOT want to LEGALIZE drugs or prostitution. Ron Paul wants the federal government to butt out because it is not the federal government’s job to regulate drugs and prostitution. It is the job of the states to regulate drugs and prostitution, just like they do with murder (and most other crimes). Every time he is asked that question, he says he is personally against both. To make the statement, “Ron Paul wants to legalize drugs and prostitution” is just as careless and saying, “Ron Paul is glad that murder is legal.”

Gay Marriage — Ron Paul says he has his standards but it is not his job to impose his standards on others just like he does not want other people to impose their standards on him. He says marriage is a religious thing and that if any government has anything to say about it, it should be the states, not the federal government.

Ron Paul on Gay Marriage

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