Neighbors Turning Against Neighbors

A recent article from Alex Jones and published on Drudge titled “DHS Video Characterizes White Americans as Most Likely Terrorists” stirred me enough that I feel I need to share parts of it.

The Department of Homeland Security seems to be hell-bent on perpetuating the

myth that mad bombers are hiding around every corner, when in reality Americans are just as likely to be killed by lightning strikes or peanut allergies.

It is very interesting and important to take note of the fact that DHS programs like the “See Something, Say Something” which encourages people to report “suspicious activity” are

in every case throughout history … a trait of oppressive, dictatorial regimes.

I won’t go into the whole racial bullshit, but if you are a white male, you should especially be interested in reading the entire article to understand more about that aspect of what is going on here also.  Back to the primary theme:

from East Germany, to Communist Russia, to Nazi Germany, historically governments who encourage their own citizens to report on each other do so not for any genuine safety concerns or presumed benefits to security, but in order to create an authoritarian police state that coerces the people into policing each other’s behavior and thoughts

…Germans under Hitler denounced their neighbors and friends not because they genuinely believed them to be a security threat, but because they expected to selfishly benefit from doing so, both financially, socially and psychologically via a pavlovian need to be rewarded by their masters for their obedience

…This is the kind of society the Department of Homeland Security is… It is about as far removed as you can possibly get from the vision the founders of the nation had in mind when they created the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.

Alex Jones comments at the end of the article:

This is about playing minorities off against whites, creating further resentment and suspicion, getting us at each other’s throats just as how different racial groups were set upon each other in Hitler’s Germany to create an environment of fear and distrust, motivating people to inform on each other for the state.

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