Big Lie: 1 of 4

Our federal leaders are arguing about raising the debt ceiling now.  I personally have no doubts that it will be raised.  It has to be raised.  We are locked into an unsustainable money system that is dependent on growth and debt to work.  Regardless, here is some good food for thought:

Big Lie Number One:

Bush created all of these problems.  We are trying to solve them but it’s much worse than we thought and it will take years for our solutions to have an impact.

There are numerous facts available to disprove this. But two of the biggest and best are:

Fact 1

President Obama increased spending and the size of government more than all previous presidents (from George Washington through George Bush)


President Obama created that problem and he should own it.

Fact 2

The number one, most important job of the House of Representatives every year is to create a federal budget. Under Nancy Pelosi (while Obama was in office) the House did not create a federal budget. They didn’t even try. They did, however, write endless blank checks for Obama to use on his wild spending spree.

The liberal congress created that problem and they should own it.

We are hitting the debt ceiling because they went nuts with the country’s credit card for the past 28 months.  It’s not someone else’s fault.  The problem was created quickly and it can be solved quickly by cutting spending and cutting up the credit card.  Raising the debt ceiling will only make it worse. PURE AND SIMPLE. Don’t buy it when they tell you it’s more complicated than that.

Other lies that we will be hearing are:

Big Lie 2

There’s no way to cut enough spending. So we must raise the debt ceiling.

Big Lie 3

We can haggle for some really great deals now that we have them over a barrel.

Big Lie 4

You just don’t understand all of the complicated details. Let us handle it.

We’re smart.

This info was received via email from the “Tea Party Patriots

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