Shaun and the Rocket

When I called my mother yesterday afternoon, she let me know that she was on her way to go pick up Shaun from school, and that they were heading over to my house so I could help Shaun finish his rocket that was needed the next morning for a scouting rocket launch event.

Interesting, I had just ate lunch with my brother, and even though we talked about many different things, the subject of rocket launches, or needing me to to help tonight never “came up”. I searched for further understanding as my mom explained that Brandon and Shaun had worked on it over the past 2 weeks, it was just that Brandon was very busy and fell asleep the day before. (I’m not making this up, I promise!)

When I called Brandon on the way home to get his story, he let me know the rocket just needs a few things to finish up, no big deal, it was almost done.

So when Shaun showed up with a bag of unassembled rocket parts, I had to take a picture to show everyone what Brandon’s concept of almost done is. To be objective, I noted that he and Shaun had completed steps 1 through 4 in the instructions. There are 12 total steps of assembly. (4/12 = 33% <> almost done… and Brandon manages projects so he understands the concept of percentage completion, so I feel like I got lied to)

So we glued on the various parts with the gooey glue. Bryson wanted to help too, so we let him bang his hands on the table in support. The glue wasn’t dry in time, so we couldn’t paint it, so as of 10pm, the rocket still was not complete.

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3 Responses to Shaun and the Rocket

  1. Matt says:

    Building rockets is a ‘blast’. It really gives me a ‘lift’.
    Watching something you make fly high in the sky is ‘out of this world’.

  2. Your mother says:

    You did such a wonderful job and the rocket got great comments that the fins were not going to break off on re-entry. It made many successful launchs also.

  3. Chris Denny says:


    Something made me think of you guys so I Google you and Brandon. It’s good see you are doing well.

    My wife and I live in Houston – no kids yet. My mother lives about 30 miles away.

    Say hello to Brandon and your mother for me.

    Take care,

    Chris Denny

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