The Richest 10% of Americans…

Often I hear arguments like “The richest 10% of Americans own 66% of the assets” used to explain how “unfair” things are for us in the USA.  I wonder if everyone understands that if it was “fair”, then the richest 10% of Americans would own 10% of the assets, and the poorest 10% of Americans would own 10% of the assets, and the words rich and poor would be meaningless.  In communist utopia, this would be fair!  Everyone would finally be “equal” and there would no longer be a rich group or a poor group.  Is this what people have in mind when they make arguments like this?

I think this is what my friend Joaquium referred to as ‘mental masturbation’.  Saying stuff like this is mostly a waste of time and serves no purpose other than to make you feel good.  (and maybe the more you do it the more you want to do it, and your mother would not be happy with you if she caught you doing it)  If you have a brain, then you already know the rich have more assets than the poor, that’s what the definitions of the words require!

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