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Tag Archives: rabbit
Garden Update: April 18, 2010
It’s been cold and drizzle all day, but I went ahead and built a new structure to hang more topsy turvys. I have 4 now, and room for 3 more. If the tomato plants do well this year, I might … Continue reading
Bunny Rabbit
Comet was acting strange this morning, hanging out by our bedroom window, which he never does. I opened up the blinds and saw a big fat rabbit digging around in the straw and mulch under the fig tree. The rabbit … Continue reading
My Best Friend, the Rabbit
Bryson took a special liking to a plastic rabbit in Glenda’s garden. We never did get a good picture of the action, but he would carry it off into the yard, and then give it one of his open-mouth kisses.
Snake Vs. Rabbit
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