Tag Archives: Humor

Entry for January 08, 2008 – Bryson feeding Amber

Remember that Bryson likes to shove things into our mouths? Tonight, he was feeding Amber a tortilia. Funny stuff. (to us at least) To view this multimedia content, please enable Javascript.

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Entry for January 04, 2008 – He does like his bottles!

You know, after a hard day, doesn’t everyone enjoy a bottle?

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Entry for December 18, 2007 – The bathtub incident

Another first happened tonight. I was playing on the computer while Amber was giving Bryson a bath when Amber started yelling, “get in here now!!!” She needed help, so I went in there to find out what happened. As it … Continue reading

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The Horrors of Christmas

Some pretty funny pictures received via email: To view this multimedia content, please enable Javascript.

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Women Can't Park!

I even watched it happen, my own mother. If I had video, it would have been a keeper! The front tire is a good distance from the curb, the rear tire, not even touching the road. There’s a reason BFGoodrich … Continue reading

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Entry for September 19, 2007 – Amber's response to beer commercial

I forwarded on this funny commercial to Amber. To view this multimedia content, please enable Javascript. Tags: video, humor, budweiser Wednesday September 19, 2007 – 08:32pm (CDT) Next Post: Entry for September 19, 2007 – A few Bryson pictures Previous … Continue reading

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Entry for September 09, 2007 – Diaper-Change, Brian Style

We were eating lunch when Bryson started making his all-too-familiar grunting sounds. Amber was very insistent that it was my turn and I had no choices. I knew what that smell would do to me on a full stomach, so … Continue reading

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Entry for August 27, 2007 – Is America Ready?

Queen of the Pants-Suit!

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Entry for August 16, 2007 – Engineering Humor

Engineers aren’t boring people, we just get excited over boring things. –Anon. AutoCAD Monkey A tourist walked into a pet shop and was looking at the animals on display. While he was there, another customer walked in and said to … Continue reading

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Entry for August 03, 2007 – The Redneck Gooseneck

This is from an email I received from Jeff. Mostly humorous, a little sad. —– This lesson on how not to do things seems to totally escape some people. I’d love to see how the trip ended up but I … Continue reading

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