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Tag Archives: government
Notes from Catalyst 730
We Texans and TAG put on a training session on Saturday to teach people how Legislature in Austin works and how to interact with the process. I’ve come to realize that a citizen’s responsibility includes actively working to hold the government accountable and … Continue reading
Unserioius People
Bill Whittle doses out some painful truth here. The most important point is made around 5:50 mark: PJTV: Afterburner with Bill Whittle — Unserious People We Texans and TAG sponsored a training day called Catalyst 730 in Austin yesterday. One … Continue reading
144,000,000 Have No Skin in the Game
“Government wants you dependent on government. And if more government is the answer, then it’s a really stupid question” Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved
The Most Persistent Economic Fallacy of All Time
Dr. Milton Friedman explains why production is more important than just spending money. My favorite quote: “It’s very desirable to have governmental expenditures take place at as local a level as possible, because you as a citizen of a small … Continue reading
Crony Capitalism & Government Regulation
Another great video from LearnLiberty goes into the relationship between big corporations and government regulations. I’d especially like for folks who are sympathetic to the occupy movement watch this! How Cronyism is Hurting the Economy
Posted in Politics
Tagged capitalism, crony capitalism, cronyism, government, regulation, Video
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US Government Prevents Efficient Vehicles
MPG whores, check this out. Those that say we have free markets in the US are delusional. Our government does NOT represent the best interest of 1)the people or 2) the environment; The government DOES represent the large corporate interests. … Continue reading
Posted in Automotive, Politics
Tagged big government, free market, fuel efficiency, government, MPG
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Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a Better Government
“I love this” You won’t hear words like that come from me very often. I love this concept, I love the spirit, I love the execution, and I love the direction. Notice there is no use of force in this … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street & Capitalism: A Professor’s Response
Crony-Capitalism IS NOT Capitalism! When the fox is guarding the hen-house and the results are bad, why would you put more foxes on the job to solve the problem? Occupy Wall Street & Capitalism: A Professor’s Response – YouTube.
Scott Adams Calls for New Government
He has advocated a better government using Internet technology and social media to influence the leaders within the current system, but now his position is bit more extreme: (from his recent post The Leap Frog System) It’s time for a … Continue reading
Scott Adams Stole my Idea!
So Scott may have given it more thought than I did, and he might possibly be closer to the genius end of the intelligence scale than I am, and it might also be possible that he actually records and publishes … Continue reading