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Tag Archives: global warming
Links, News, Videos – January 27, 2013
Any gen-xer who was around in the BBS days will appreciate this video: Testing Explosives from The Anarchist Cookbook — Adam Kokesh interviews two black men in DC on MLK Jr Day. They clearly state, several times, they don’t agree … Continue reading
Posted in Links, News
Tagged Anarchist Cookbook, climate change, global warming, Guns, militia, Video
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Sustainable Development and Agenda 21
A short video I recorded tonight on the topic of sustainable development and Agenda 21: Sustainable Development, Smart Growth, and Agenda 21 “Individual Rights Must Take a Back Seat to the Collective” is the summation of the Agenda 21 AKA … Continue reading
“Smart Growth” / Sustainability : Agenda 21 Conference
I’ve been holding off from forming an opinion about the whole topic of Agenda 21 for a while now. I can see both sides of the problem. How do you protect the resources that all humans require to live while … Continue reading
Man-Made Global Climate Change
I’ve been hesitant to pick sides on the Global Warming topic. Here is some interesting reading in a recent Scott Adams blog post on the subject: I’m curious how many of you simultaneously hold the following two nearly-contradictory opinions: … Continue reading
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming
Nobel Prize-Winning Physicist Resigns Over Global Warming | Fox News. “In the APS it is ok to discuss whether the mass of the proton changes over time and how a multi-universe behaves, but the evidence of global warming is incontrovertible?” … Continue reading
Robert A Hall: I’m Tired
I’m Tired” By Robert A. Hall (original source) (Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts State Senate.) I’ll be 63 soon. Except for one semester in college when jobs were scarce, and … Continue reading
Posted in Interesting
Tagged entitlement, global warming, imigration, Letter, media bias, personal responsibility, racism, religion, war, work ethic
The Obama Deception
From the guy who brought you “Loose Change“, Alex Jones. This is tin-foil hat stuff, be careful! I can’t help but wonder what percentage of this is truth, my guess is 75%, what do you think? link
Posted in Interesting
Tagged Al Gore, Alex Jones, Bilderberg Group, Bush, cap and trade, carbon tax, client change, Federal Reserve, global warming,, JFK, MIC, military-industrial complex, new world order, nwo, Obama, taxes, Video
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Mr. Gore: Apology Accepted
This is one of the few links from The Huffington Post you will probably see me send out! If you are unclear about the BS that is being sold as “carbon credits” or “global warming” or “climate change”, then read … Continue reading