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Tag Archives: freedom
Government Can Not Grant Freedom
from Adrian Murry’s facebook post One thing I have learned over the last five years of politically righteous indignation is that if we protest from a position of victimhood we too easily enable ourselves to be victims. My outrage since … Continue reading
Links, News, and More – February 5, 2013
I really can’t overstate how badly I want the neocon fuckchop GOP leadership like Karl Rove and William Kristol to disappear and never be heard from again. They have ruined the Republican party. Mark Levin agrees so some degree: … Continue reading
The Gun Is Civilization
The Gun Is Civilization Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me … Continue reading
Tell the Children: America Was Land of the Free
If there is one thing that has distinguished the United States of America from the rest of the world, it is our unwavering belief of freedom. If there is one thing that upholds and protects that freedom, it is the … Continue reading
Bill Whittle is right. again. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. Remember that Adolf Hitler never did anything illegal. He simply created laws to justify his actions. Your rights as a human come from the fact … Continue reading
Whatever Happened to Freedom?
Judge Napolitano: Final Word on the Last Episode of Freedom Watch [14-Feb-12 © FoxBusiness]
The Purpose of the US Government
If there is one thing I wish everyone understood it is this: The purpose of the US Government as defined by the US Constitution is to protect the individual rights of its citizens. The rights of humans do not come … Continue reading
An Open Letter From Internet Engineers to the U.S. Congress
The Internet is one of the very few places where we are free to interact and do as we please. I get real uncomfortable real quick every time I hear how government or business want to regulate and change it. … Continue reading
Live Free of Die
In Bill Whittle’s Afterburner video “Live Free or Die”, he goes through the recent crash that happened at Reno Air Races, and the predictable outcry of the statist that followed. He then gets into something very interesting: “the socialism that you promote so vigorously has probably … Continue reading
American Ideals are “Unconventional”?
Lots of great stuff packed into a 14 minute interview: via youtube
Posted in Politics
Tagged constitution, FEMA, freedom, illegal wars, Liberty, Ron Paul, Video
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