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Tag Archives: energy
Information on Changing to CFL Bulbs
Paul Wheaton has produced an excellent (and entertaining) video on his research comparing CFL and traditional light bulbs. Check it out: not so free light bulbs – farmer laboratory
Posted in Interesting
Tagged CFL, conspiracy, energy, green, greenwashing, light bulbs
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Growth, Energy, and Debt
I just read an article titled “Debt tantrum on a sinking ship by Richard Heinberg” that I want to share a few quotes from regarding our current national debt: Republicans say that more government debt is unsustainable. If we keep … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, Thoughts
Tagged debt, democrat, economy, energy, oil, Republican
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Spoon: It’s Pretty Amazing…
“It’s pretty amazing that our society has reached a point where the effort necessary to extract oil from the groud, ship it to a refinery, turn it into plastic, shape it appropriately, truck it to a store, buy it, and … Continue reading
Crash Course – Economy / Energy / Environment
This is important enough that I’d like everyone I care about to be very familiar with this information. I’m posting it here in hopes of spreading the information. I heard an interview of Chris Martenson today. Something about his analytical/scientific … Continue reading
Posted in Interesting, Money
Tagged Chris Martenson, collapse, crash course, economy, energy, environment, future, Jack Spirko, peak oil, sustainability
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Pickens on the Daily Show
This guy simply makes sense. Take a look. link You can send a letter to President-Elect Barack Obama congratulating him on his historic victory and asking him to support the Pickens Plan by visiting
Reroute $700 billion from other countries to West Texas
Sweetwater Stories
The Pickens Plan T. Boone Pickens is a old oil-man. He realizes we are in trouble and has a plan. His plan makes sense. Check out his website above. 1- Start using CNG and bio-fuels to power our vehicles. (use our own … Continue reading