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Tag Archives: constitution
Tom Wood’s Liberty Classroom
In preparation for many hours in the car, I went ahead and finally purchased Tom Woods Liberty Classroom so I could listen to his lectures on the trip. I wasn’t prepared for how many hours lectures and material you get! I started listening … Continue reading
Posted in Information, learning
Tagged constitution, history, united states, US History, USA
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News, Links, MEMEs, and More – January 29, 2013
If you only watch one thing today, watch this 7 minute video, and listen: brin Fear and Oath-ing in D.C. — Oil companies burn off natural gas (enough to power all the homes in Chicago and Washington combined) because it … Continue reading
Posted in Links, News
Tagged assault rifle, Charlton Heston, constitution, DHS, flare, fun violence, gun control, Liberty, Mayor Bloomberg, NDAA, oath, Raw Milk, Richard Mack, shale, Sheriff Mack, Video, waste, welfare
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Links, News, Videos – January 21, 2013
“Simply because you are a constitutional law professor doesn’t mean you understand the constitution, care about what the constitution says, or want to protect the constitution. And this is what is being taught to the next generation” Lets Give Up … Continue reading
Support and Educate your Local Sheriff
There is really no downside to having your most high-ranking peace officers become more educated and informed about the Constitutional basis of their authority. As our un-elected local police forces become increasingly militarized and federalized, the sheriffs are being downsized … Continue reading
My Apology (and More) to Harry Pierce
I was approached in person by ex-candidate Harry Pierce, who complained to me about a few things. His main complaint was that I called his motives into question. His secondary complaint was that I indicated he didn’t have an understanding … Continue reading
JBS Resources
Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society has been dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. Here are some of the resources I think are most important: Watch Overview of America Sign up for JBS email alerts … Continue reading
American Ideals are “Unconventional”?
Lots of great stuff packed into a 14 minute interview: via youtube
Posted in Politics
Tagged constitution, FEMA, freedom, illegal wars, Liberty, Ron Paul, Video
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Sworn To Serve Our Country, Not Our Government
I believe if you are an American citizen and have a pulse, you should support Oath Keepers. Their purpose is to remind law enforcement and military that the oath they took is to protect our country, and that oath does … Continue reading
Rachel Madcow is “the thinking man’s Keith Olbermann”
Rachel Maddow’s Bad Company – Madcow’s defense of Acorn was based on the ‘constitutional rights of corporations’, which she was all-for. Unless you are talking about the 1st amendment rights, then she is really against it. Another example of liberals using any … Continue reading
3 Terrible Things from 1913
There were 3 huge ‘events’ that occurred in the USA in 1913 that have a great impact on our lives today. Any one of them alone was a big deal, a very big deal, but the fact that all three of … Continue reading