Economy of Fritz Von Eric

Here is a chart of the fuel performance my cheap diesel econo-box has got to date. I still can’t get over that the US government is interfering with the automotive market to the point that the same car in the UK gets double the fuel economy of the US version. I going to lose it soon.

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Disturbed – Land of Confusion (Genesis Cover)

I won’t be coming home tonight
My generation will put it right
We’re not just making promises
That we know we’ll never keep

There’s too many men, too many people
Making too many problems

Disturbed – Land Of Confusion [Official Music Video]

Continue reading

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BO Used Marijuana and Maybe a Little Blow

  • States rights don’t mean jack-shit to the Obama administration on anything except gay marriage
  • I believe this is Obama chortling with Jimmy Fallen about lower class people
  • Do we believe, even for a second, that if Obama had been busted for marijuana under the  laws he condones his life had been better?
  • If he would have been busted … he would not be president of the USA … it is not a GD joke!
  • 1 in 6 people in prison are in for smoking weed
[foul language alert]

Penn’s Obama Rant

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Don’t Give Up Your Rights

Based on another story about police’s blatant disregard for our basic human rights and possible motivation for stuffing the local coffers, I wanted to share some basic information  about rights and how police might try to encourage you to give them up voluntarily or by using force, persuasion, or trickery.  When it comes to the subject of rights, be aware:

  • Your rights come from the fact that you are born.
  • Government or other people can not give you any rights.
  • You can’t give or assign your rights to anyone else.

The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution were created to restrict the government from infringing on what the founders thought were the most important rights.

The graphics below show a short list of your basic rights that you should keep in mind in situations where you are involved in a traffic stop and dealing with law enforcement.  (source:

I can’t believe I never posted the video below! This is some very important information explaining why you should never talk to the police, in any circumstance.

Dont Talk to Police

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US Government Prevents Efficient Vehicles

MPG whores, check this out. Those that say we have free markets in the US are delusional. Our government does NOT represent the best interest of 1)the people or 2) the environment;  The government DOES represent the large corporate interests.  Also note:  the answer to this problem is NOT more government!  Think about it.

VW USA:|32315|32749|31675


note: UK uses Imperial gallons instead of US gallons. Convert UK MPG to US MPG by multiplying the number by 0.83

VW Passat 78.5 MPG (Imperial gallon) 65.2 MPG US gallon in the Uk

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Tiny Diesel – Tiny Engine Bay

For for the first time in a long time, I’ve had a chance to do a little automotive maintenance. Fritz was overdue for an oil change according to the windshield sticker. (I know I haven’t ever changed it) The oil pan was surrounded by a thick plastic pan with gaskets— It’s apparent purpose is to collect oil and let it seep out of all areas to create a bigger mess. That was the first part to go in my ‘not gonna go back on this car’ pile. It uses a massive oil filter, and it is plenty hard to get to.
Next thing I wanted to tackle was to clean out the intake manifold. These engines are bad about clogging up the manifold to the point it chokes off the incoming air. This is a result of the oily engine blow-by mixed with the sooty EGR gas. Getting everything off to get to the manifold bolts was bad enough, but getting to them was entirely harder than it needed to be. I ran into a part I’ve never seen before: an EGR cooler. It looks expensive. Check out the pictures below to see how much gunk was built up. It was pretty bad. I got it all cleaned up and put back together… now I can move on to the next thing that needs fixin’ on Fritz.

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Re-Elect Barack Obama!

If anyone is considering voting for BO after knowing just a few simple facts shown in this video, I beg you to provide me a reasoned argument why you think this is a good choice.

Why We Must Re-elect Obama!

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We Need More Engineers and Fewer Lawyers

“In the midst of Congressional races around the country, one stands out to techies. Thomas Massie, an MIT whiz kid who pioneered touch-based interfaces and founded SensAble Technologies in the 1990s, is the favorite to win the Republican nomination in his Kentucky district next week. SensAble was recently sold on the cheap, but in a new exclusive, Massie explains why he left the haptics firm years ago to lead a simpler life of farming, family, and guns — lots of guns. Along the way he built a solar-powered, off-the-grid house and became a local hero of the Tea Party. Now Massie is leading the charge to get more engineers into politics, and if he wins, he could be a force to be reckoned with in Washington, DC.” (from slashdot)

From MIT Entrepreneur to Tea Party Leader: The Thomas Massie Story – Gregory T. Huang

“We need more engineers and fewer lawyers” in politics. As Massie explains, “Lawyers are taught to take a position, whether it’s right or wrong ideologically, and defend it—to go collect facts to support it. Whereas engineers are taught the inverse of that, they’re taught to collect facts and then come up with an answer based on the facts. He said, ‘That’s the kind of thought process we need more of in government.’ On the stump, that’s what I’m trying to convey, that we need more problem solvers in Washington, DC.”

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Republicans Don’t Want a Constitutionalist

The problem we have and have always had but is usually out of sight, is the corruption within the Republican party.   They do not want anyone, assuming any office, local, state, or federal, who is a Constitutionalist; and will go to many many lengths to see that that never happens.

Corruption of the Republican Party

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Flying around Possum Kingdom Lake

My company goes to great expense to do some really cool things for their employees.  Two weeks ago it was my group’s turn for our employee appreciation event.  We went out to a public airstrip at Possum Kingdom lake and met a few pilots that brought a few airplanes and we climbed in and flew them around for a while!  Here are a few pictures I brought back with me:

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