Chick-Fil-A Debate Says Much About Ourselves

The Chick-Fil-A controversy is still fascinating to me and consumes my thoughts for now.  Here are some of my opinions on the subject.

  • Liberals organized a boycott to punish a business who is not politically correct and wouldn’t comply with liberal religious demands
  • Announcement by Boston and Chicago (and San Francisco too?) mayors of ‘how wrong’ CFA is, and said they were ‘not allowed’ in their city based on their religious beliefs
  • Backlash from lots of people who are sick of liberals using political correctness as a wedge (which is what it was designed to do by the way), bullying a decent and loved company who is publicly stating their traditional religious values, and politicization of the subject and more bullying by liberal politicians.
  • Some people think CFA stands for bigotry and hate.  I reject this.  I’m actually a little disgusted at the people who promote this as an act of hate.  Every bit (100%) of the hate throughout this debate has come from the liberal side of argument.
  • I now realize that (many?) gay people felt that the massive display of support for CFA was a statement AGAINST same-sex-marriage.  I do not think this is accurate.  I think it is more of a support for CFA standing up to liberal bullies, and standing up for ‘free speech’.  (and some of that is misguided)
  • I don’t see the act of eating at CFA as rejecting people, or about bigotry, or hate.  It is more about sticking it to the group who will try to ruin a decent business because they don’t agree with their values, and about supporting a business who stands up for what they feel is right even when it is unpopular.
  • Falling in line with a boycott organized by liberal activists is a big turn off to me.  There are too many terrible things liberal activist have done in the past.  I don’t trust them.
  • The only honest complaint against CFA is that they give money to organizations who give money to supporting traditional values, some of which gets used to lobby politicians to enact anti-gay laws.  The next few points address this.
  • Take the total amount of money CFA gives to charity, and figure out how much of that money gets used for the purpose of lobbying lawmakers to make anti-gay laws. Whatever that number is, that is how much hate and bigotry we are talking about. (I’m guessing most of that money goes to all kinds of other things. Wikipedia says “Chick-Fil-A …donations … represents less than 0.01% of the …[Family Research Council]…budget.”)
  • Now compare that to all the stuff CFA does that is good.  They are overwhelmingly well into the ‘good’ side of the scale.
  • Spending money is a method of voting for your wishes.  Very few stores do all the ‘right’ things.
  • All this focus on CFA is unfair.  How many other companies do bad things?  The lure to this boycott is that it pulls at people emotionally because of a very sensitive subject. You are enticed to pick sides, just one of two choices, you are either with us, or you hate gays, no other choices. Siding with the boycott puts you in the position of singling out one mostly good company and punishing them. In your daily life, how many other companies do you deal with? Do you know where their money goes? Do you even know what their values are? Are you sure? Sure enough to punish or reward them? If not, it is hypocritical to single out CFA.
  • Here is the biggest point: The reason we have unfairness in the area of marriage is because the federal government has made unconstitutional laws unfairly favoring some people and not others.  CFA does not make laws.  The lobbiest don’t make laws.  All of this action is focused in the wrong direction! Our government officials are the ones that hold 100% of the power to change the situation.  CFA is pushing for their values within the system they are in, they did not define the rules or the parameters.
  • Lets say the government changes the laws so that same-gender couples enjoy the same ‘rights’ as heterosexual couples.  Does that solve the problem?  What about families that consist of 2 women and 1 man?  What about their ‘rights’?  Would you boycott places who don’t support that?  If not, don’t you think that is hypocritical too?
  • I see the boycott of CFA as unfairly wielding the power of coercion by using the political correctness game.  This is also using sympathetic people who don’t look at the big picture and who don’t weigh more than just a few parameters.  This is the concept of using useful idiots.
  • Most of the boycotters are pawns for a cause that if they if the learned all the other aspects of, might not really want to be a part of it at all.  Especially if they weighed all the other things involved.
  • This event has demonstrated how apt we are to picking 1 of only 2 sides of an argument.  This concept of ‘you are either for us or against us’ is destructive to us as a whole.  It serves to divide us.
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Is Auditing The Federal Reserve Really Necessary?

Must See Video: My favorite newscaster Ben Swann gives a super-fast summary of the Federal Reserve, states some of the biggest red flags about the bank, and then asnwers the question “Should we Audit the Fed?”. News, Weather
Reality Check: Is Auditing The Federal Reserve Really Necessary?

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The Chick-Fil-A Propaganda War

I’ve enjoyed all the great memes that have come out as a result of the president of Chick-Fil-A answering a question that he agrees with the traditional biblical definition of what a marriage is. Here are my thoughts on the issue:

Chick-fil-a is not hurting anyone by simply stating they think marriage is defined by Christian values. They are not hurting anyone by giving money to pro-Christian groups.

The outcries of ‘hate’ are baseless and designed to incite hate in my opinion.

What about buying oil and gasoline, which comes form people in the middle east who beat and KILL gay people? Do the folks crying ‘hate’ advocate we all stop buying gasoline also?

The message from liberals is really this: go along with our version of fairness, or else.

This is an interesting subject for sure.  It gets into some uncomfortable territory though.  This article is from the viewpoint of gay-marriage advocate, and this is a pro-Christian defense.  (I’m biased on this issue:  Chick-Fil-A is my favorite fast food restaurant.  I like their food, lemon-aid, how clean their stores are and I love the way their employees work hard and treat me every time I go there)

I’m not supportive of using the force of government to push any religious favorites, which is a claim against Chick-Fil-A.  (they are giving money to groups to that lobby government for pro-traditional-marriage laws).  I’m also not supportive of government defining or being involved in defining or regulating marriage at all.  That is the role of churches, not governments.  So here are some of the funny pictures I’ve come across as a result of the craziness:

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Free markets may be efficient, but are they fair?

“With the fall of soviet communism, many assumed the such thinking was in permanent retreat.
But the impulse is never further away than human nature itself.
It pipes a tune seductive to the darkest elements of the human heart: envy, sloth, and pride,
while promising speedy solutions to problems that the better angels of our nature crave to see remedied.”

Is Capitalism Moral? Defending the Free Market

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Ice-T Understands the Second Amendment, Do You?

Ben Swann is an exception to the rule when it comes to journalist. I love his work. In this episode, he covers statements by rapper Ice T about the historical context of the 2nd amendment, which is one of my favorite topics.

Reality Check: Does Rapper Ice T Know More About The 2nd

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Better Ideas In Education

“Public education has seen little change in the past several decades, despite diminishing results. In these excerpts from his documentary, “Stupid In America'” John Stossel explores some better ideas.”

John Stossel – Better Ideas In Education

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Disney Cruise

My mom treated us (Amber, me, Bryson, Brandon, and Shaun) to a Disney cruise vacation last week. It was my first experience with a cruise and I amazed at how well planned these trips are. There were always lots of activities to see, do, and taste!

 We all spent time in our room laying in the circular window.  What a view!

 The first evening at dinner Bryson fell asleep. We had all been up since 4am.

 On the second day, the ship stopped at Nassau, and we to the Atlantis resort.  We took a tour of their impressive aquarium.

 On the plate in front of me are snails.  They were tasty.

 Bryson thought I was going to drop him off the edge into the ocean, so we didn’t get a very good picture. I don’t know why he though his own daddy would do something like that to him.

One of the funniest things I’ve seen in a while was the baby races.  You had to be there, but trust me, it was funny.

 The ship was equipped with interactive pictures that responded to special cards to be held up to them.  Bryson and Shuan went around and ‘solved the mystery’.

 Disney characters were everywhere.  The kids collected their autographs and we snapped some great photos.

  And if you order ‘nothing’ for dessert, this is what you get.

 Our last stop was Disney’s private island Castaway Cay.  We spent time on the beach, touring the island via bicycle, snorkling, and playing with stingrays.  These rays were very docile and were trained to eat our of your hand.

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Information on Changing to CFL Bulbs

Paul Wheaton has produced an excellent (and entertaining) video on his research comparing CFL and traditional light bulbs.  Check it out:

not so free light bulbs – farmer laboratory

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Paul Wheaton Permaculture

Here is a nice article featured on the front page of Montana’s largest weekly newspaper. It is about Paul Wheaton, who is on my short list of heroes. It explains how Paul got started in Permaculture because he sucked so bad at gardening.

“I used to explain permaculture with the story of the Sahara,” Wheaton says. “The Sahara used to be jungle and savannah. Then people learned about this new, hip thing. … It’s called agriculture. And you just pull the seeds out of your food and stick them in the ground right next to your house and then, boing! The food leaps out of the ground. And that’s so much closer than walking out to the woods.”

But, in time, the cleared soil loses nutrients. So they cut down more trees. “And then the rain doesn’t fall as much. And what the hell? It was falling great last year. Why isn’t it falling great this year? And the rain falls less and less and less, and then—desertification. And permaculture is the reversal of that.”

My favorite quote:  “Weeds: Because Mother Nature is Not Your Bitch”


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Harry Reid Preached We Should Audit the Fed in 1995

Listen to Harry Reid pour on and on about how we need to audit the Federal Reserve and how destructive the Fed is by controlling the money and causing the biggest unfunded mandate ever known. This video is from Jan 1995. RELEVANCE: In July 2012 the very same Harry Reid is saying he will not allow a vote on the Audit the Fed legislation, which just overwhelmingly passed in the House. He is effectively squashing the effort. Our legislators are bought and paid for and do NOT have the public’s best interest at heart.

Harry Reid: “I think we should audit the Federal Reserve”

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