The Element of Time

     I remember four years ago when I became interested in picking between the two candidates who were running for president.  I compared BO and John McCain. BO struck me as an empty suit, who sat in a church that preached hate for 20 years, and who had serious ties to scary-liberal and communist people. McCain was a war hero who seemed like a good Christian. That was where I was at mentally 4 years ago.

Now, I realize what a moron I was.  Not because I considered McCain a good guy.  (Given the choice of 2 people, I picked the better guy)  I was a moron because I waited until the two major parties picked their candidate to even pay attention to the whole thing.  General elections at the national level are nothing more than giant popularity contests controlled by big money and marketing.  The game is decided by the masses of idiots (which I was one of the many) who are gambling and excitedly fretting over who they should root for, just like they bet on horse races.  It is an amazing waste of all personal resources:  time, money, energy, emotion, and effort.

So this year I decided to start paying attention earlier, during the primary season.  Turns out that just voting is really ‘not good enough’, you actually have to show up to a few meetings and be a part of a democratic process.  This is also somewhat a waste of resources because of the inefficiencies, but not nearly as much as the general election involvement.  I learned a lot and now have a better understanding of the system we operate under.

So the point of this post is to describe my frustration of myself 4 years ago.  Why wasn’t I smarter about this?  Now I’m four years older and know some things I didn’t know then, but what am I missing now?  If I continue to uncover truths for 4 more years, how stupid will I seem to the Brian of 2016?

The larger issue is remembering this time element when dealing with other people.  We just don’t know where people are at on this time scale in their own lives.  Not only are we all on different paths with different experiences, we are all doing it at different speeds and with different priorities.  Besides all that, some people just do not care to educate themselves about reality at all!

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The Daily Show is not daring!

Here is a short clip from Stossel, where Gutfeld explains that Jon Stewart of The Daily Show is not daring at all.

The Daily Show is not daring!

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The biggest GOP power grab in the party’s history

I really don’t understand how anyone with morals can vote for underhanded corruption, blatant disregard for the rule of law, and preference of establishment power over the will of the people that is represented by the RNC and Mitt Romney’s gang.  Think this is going to be better than BO?  I don’t think I’ll be a part of this bullshit!

Reality Check: One on One With Romney, Did Romney Really Not Know About RNC & Maine’s

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Bryson Starts Public School

Last night was ‘meet the teacher’ night for Bryson.  Let the fun begin!

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Aiden’s First Birthday

We celebrated Aiden’s first birthday last weekend.  Lots of smiles and mess!

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Trick to Activate Windows XP

I work with a WinXP virtual machine quite a bit, and recently made some changes to the memory settings.  Do this too many times and then it complains that you need to reactivate it!  Here is a neat workaround that resets the timer then locks the system access from the timer.  (brilliant)  (the link to the original article is included below – I’ve copied the text because this type of information has a habit of disappearing)

  1. Click on the “Start” button
  2. Find and click the “Run” button
  3. Type: “REGEDIT”
  4. Click the plus next to “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE”
  5. Click the plus next to “SOFTWARE”
  6. Click the plus next to “Microsoft”
  7. Click the plus next to “Windows NT”
  8. Click the plus next to “CurrentVersion”
  9. Click “WPAEvents”
  10. On the right panel, find “OOBETimer” and double click it.
  11. Now, highlight all values, then delete them
  12. Then type in the following value: FF D5 71 D6 8B 6A 8D 6F D5 33 93 FD
  13. After that, click “OK”
  14. Next, on the left panel, right-click “WPAEvents”
  15. Then click on “permissions”
  16. Click “SYSTEM”
  17. Click the box “Deny Full Control”
  18. Click “OK”
  19. Click “YES” and exit out of Registry Editor. You can do this by clicking on the red X in the upper-right corner of the Title Bar or, while holding down the ALT key, press the F4 key.
  20. To verify that it works, Click on “Start” and then “Activate Windows.” Or you can click on “Start,” then “All Programs,” then “Activate Windows”.  If these options don’t work, type this text in the space provided: %systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
  21. Click on “ACTIVATE ON THE PHONE” and then “CHANGE Product Key”
  22. Type: THMPV – 77D6F – 94376 – 8HGKG – VRDRQ
  23. Click “UPDATE”
  24. Click “REMIND ME LATER”
  25. Restart Windows
  26. Once your computer is back up, click “START” and “RUN” and “%system”
  27. Click “OK”
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Pictures of Aiden (and Bryson too)

With the threat of severe weather came a nice cover of clouds that gave us a break from the oppressive heat and sun.  Amber took some snapshots of the boys playing in the backyard.

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What is Wrong with NOLA

Driving in the New Orleans area is worse than driving in Dallas traffic, and today I feel the need to get some things out there for all to know.  I have a list of things that suck about this area, but first I’ll point out the good:

  • Good food is available
  • I’ve noticed several times how close people are to each other while I’ve been in restaurants.  Someone will come in and other people will have 20 minute conversations with them, complete with the kissey on the neck thing at the beginning and the end.  It is nice to see community!
  • Beer, wine, liquor, mixed drinks, frozen drinks available everywhere, and to-go if you want.
  • There is a laundry that will wash, dry, and fold a weeks worth of my clothes for $10.55.

What I don’t like:

  • First, this whole area is a death trap- situated between a huge lake and the ocean, and in many cases the land people are living on is below the level of the water.  It is all kept dry by massive government projects and maintained by government employees.  The thing that chaps my ass the most about this is that federal tax money (AKA my money) is going to help fund this insanity.
  • The road infrastructure is about 40 years behind the needs of the population.  The only real expressway is I-10.  Lots of areas are stop and go streets that have the poorest coordination and timing I’ve ever seen.  I’m not exaggerating this.  About 50% of the time I’ll catch every light possible.  In most intersections you can’t even turn left,  you have to go up and turn around.  The money wasted on time and fuel has to be enormous.  It takes me 2 times longer than it should to get anywhere.  I think this is due to the amount of corruption in the government.  Money that could be used to improve infrastructure gets used for who knows what.  (lots of local politicians are in jail right now)
  • The drivers are bi-polar.  One minute they are pulling out in front of you and attempting to go as slow as possible, until you have an opportunity to get around them, then they are all Johnny on the spot.  Assholes.  This place is full of assholes.
  • I get harassed by random people if I’m outside of my vehicle for more than 20 seconds.
  • Many of the restaurants (the ones known for ‘good food’) don’t bother to make their places look nice or look clean.  You have to focus 100% on the food and ignore everything around you!
  • In general, everything looks broken or is broken.  Stuff just doesn’t work right.
  • I won’t even get into what a mess New Orleans proper and the area east of there are.  It looks like a war  zone!  Lots of abandoned houses and businesses just deteriorating.
  • Huge number of football fans.  Do I need to say more?

So I guess this is a pretty neat place to visit, but I can’t for the life of me figure out what anyone would want to live here.

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The Most Persistent Economic Fallacy of All Time

Dr. Milton Friedman explains why production is more important than just spending money.
My favorite quote:
“It’s very desirable to have governmental expenditures take place at as local a level as possible, because you as a citizen of a small community can judge whether you are getting your moneys worth”

The Most Persistent Economic Fallacy of All Time!

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Moving: California to Midland Texas

“That which cannot continue, will not continue. Does this adage apply to California? Could California simply go out of business? Bill Whittle tells you a cautionary tale about the California government and how it is driving high tech businesses to Texas at the same time that it is building trains to nowhere. Is the California government going to bring the rest of the United States down a path to fiscal ruin? Find out.”

Afterburner with Bill Whittle: Going Out of Business!

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