Encrypt File Folders with TrueCrypt

I recently converted some of my personal folders (like MyDocuments) to reside within an encrypted file.  Besides the obvious benefit of keeping the information in that folder more private, another reason was so I can take the contents of the folders with me anywhere (on a external USB drive) and not have to worry about what would happen if I lost the drive or what other people would see if they borrow the drive.  (In the un-encrypted state, the folder looks like a big file on the drive full of gobbledgook)  Another advantage is that if the drive is stolen, they won’t have all my personal documents, they would just have some encrypted files that are meaningless.  Since the whole folder is housed within one file, copying, syncing, and backups are easy too.

When TrueCrypt is running, the encrypted folders work just like regular folders, you can copy to/from etc.  When you deactivate TrueCrypt, all you see is the encrypted file.  (and it can be configured to make that hidden as well)  The program runs on Linux, Windoze, and Mac and is open source.

As an additional measure of safety, the folders can be encrypted with both a password and a key file.  This lets you add an extra layer of protection:  Even if your password is known, the folder can’t be decrypted unless the physical key file is present.

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Encrypt Messages using PGP / GnuPG

If you ever want to keep your electronic messages very private, using something called a ‘public-key cryptography’ is a good way to do it.  The common implementation of this method is known as PGP, which stands for “pretty good privacy”.  (it is better than just pretty good, but the original developer didn’t want to be over confident) The open source community has created the same functionality in their GnuPG (just GPG – GNU Privacy Guard) project.  How it actually works is interesting (even though I don’t fully understand the nuts and bolts of it).  It uses a two-part ‘key’.  Part one of the key is yours only, and is to be kept safe and secure so only you can access it.  It is called your private key.  Part two of the key is published and given to anyone wishing to exchange messages with you.  (they have a two-part key also)


The process to send an encrypted message to someone is:

  1. Type out your message in plain text.
  2. Use the GPG program, and your recipient’s public key to encrypt the text, which creates ciphertext.
  3. Copy the ciphertext into an email, instant message, or hand-written letter and send to your recipient.

To decode an encrypted message that someone sent to you:

  1. Copy the ciphertext into the GPG progam and use your private key to decrypt back to plain text.

Read more at Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) Mini Howto.

Use Brian Gallimore’s public key to send me messages!

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Bucky Roberts and TheNewBoston.org

One of my personal goals is to teach myself how to program in java. After falling asleep while reading tutorials, I clicked on youtube and then found Bucky Robert’s java tutorials. They are good. After going through the first 18, I clicked on his website thenewboston.org, and read this on the ‘about’ page:

I soon realized that these videos were something more than just another cat video on YouTube. They were a gateway to a higher education, for free. While Universities and Corporations were charging like crazy for people to receive an education, people could come and watch my videos and get the same information for no cost at all. I decided that this is the way it would be. An education should be free for everyone who desires one. It should not be a business. And quickly, that became my goal.

So, while most assholes who declare ‘education should be free’ really mean someone else should pay for a the bloated over-priced scam that is the state-run higher education system, this guy is actually doing it. He is educating people for free, at his own expense! Based on his youtube channel‘s stats, I’d say he is doing a great job of it too!

Hats off and many thanks to Bucky.  This type of action is the future.  Individuals providing, for free or near-free, what huge organizations provide for huge piles of money.  Doing it better, more efficiently, and more effectively.  Here is my favorite part:  He is doing it because he thinks it is the right thing to do, and (hopefully) he is making a living teaching what he loves to others.  By the way, rah rah free Internet (as in freedom).  Let’s keep it that way!

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The Problem with the Federal Reserve in 20 Seconds

Federal Reserve in under 20 seconds

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Ron Paul: George Bush “Deep Into” CIA Drug Trafficking – YouTube

“I think that might be the number 1 reason for the drug laws. …not for high prices for some two-bit drug dealer, as much as to raise the funds necessary for governments to illegal things.  …The sooner we get rid of our drug laws, the sooner this would end.”  -Ron Paul

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Ben Swann: “No Country Would Tolerate Missiles From Outside Borders” U.S. Hypocrisy? – YouTube

Ben Swann: “No Country Would Tolerate Missiles From Outside Borders” U.S. Hypocrisy? – YouTube.

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You Might be a Statist if…

You Might be a Redneck Statist if…  (more at facebook.com/StatistSlayers)

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Bill Whittle at Restoration Weekend

I guess my love affair with Bill Whittle is now over. He is great at speaking and conveying messages. He is right about almost everything almost every time. Except that neocon thing. Listen to his great speech below. So many great points!

Now for the part I don’t agree with: He says if one of our people are killed, we should take out ‘an installation’. You know what the ‘eye for an eye’ theme in the bible is about? It is a lesson that punishment and retaliation should be of the same magnitude as the crime. Escalating the use of force in retaliation is against the teachings of the bible.

And of course the bigger question: Why are Americans getting killed oversees? Is it because we are helping poor? No. Teaching school to illiterate natives? No. Is it because we are supporting regimes and cartels to overthrow governments we don’t like? Yes. Is it because we are bombing the shit out of all kinds of things, which often include the death of women and children? Yes.

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Bryson and Aiden Pictures

Here are a few pictures of the boys from this month and last:

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Since I’ve been working with virtual machines lately, my tiny Solid State Drive is filled up.  This was easily remedied by adding a traditional Hard Disk Drive.  I was surprised at how much difference there is between these two devices in terms of performance though.  Look at these benchmark results:

The green is access time.  The HDD is all over the place, probably because there is a little mechanical arm in there that has to move!

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