Gun Control Law is NOT Targeting Gun Violence

A few simple facts show that the current gun legislation being considered is NOT targeting gun violence:

  • Only 1.9% of the guns used in crimes were purchased at gun shows
  • Only ~1% of gun crimes involve the use of a so called ‘assault weapon’
  • Only 0.03% of background checks are denied for mental illness reasons

So what IS the gun control legislation really about?  Just like the TSA, it is what I call ‘security theater’, and there are lots of ‘useful idiots’ available to go along with it all.

There is also something more nefarious about the subject of gun control in general:  Ask ANY of the leaders of the movement if they could, would they ban all guns.  In almost every case, their honest answer would be a resounding YES.  Each new gun law is simply another incremental step toward the end goal of eradication guns from the hands of citizens.

website with more info:

Image below from Continue reading

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News, Links, MEMEs – January 30, 2013

Ummm, yeah, I’m positive I have this problem!

Libertarian types are disproportionately rationalists of an analytical bent. They are therefore prone to the quaint but false idea that the best way to win a supporter is explain one’s view logically to as many people as possible.

The Liberty Movement Must Ask the Most Important Question

This is great insight why the liberty movement has not gained more popular support.  It is foolish to think ‘we the people’ will educate themselves on issues and reason their way to a conclusion.  We are tribal animals, and will move around as such… the liberty movement needs to understand this and provide action that fits the situation.

And while we are on that subject:

Why Are Voters So Uninformed? Continue reading

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News, Links, MEMEs, and More – January 29, 2013

If you only watch one thing today, watch this 7 minute video, and listen:

Fear and Oath-ing in D.C.

Oil companies burn off natural gas (enough to power all the homes in Chicago and Washington combined) because it is cheaper to waste it than do something useful with it.  It sure does seem silly to me that our president tells us to keep our car tires properly inflated to save energy while this is going on.

Shale gas boom now visible from space –

I keep hearing talk about our ‘free market’ and I should be happy because I live in a free county.

Louisiana stops sale of cheap milk at market

You can read stories like this all day long.  Our government is out of control.  This is what is called tyranny.  It will lead to bloodshed if not stopped through peaceful means.

Morningland Dairy—The Final Solution

I hope all my ‘liberty’ friends read and (mostly) agree with this: Continue reading

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The Law: The Classic Blueprint for a Just Society by Frédéric Bastiat

I finally read/listened to the essay by French theorist and economist Frédéric Bastiat (1801 – 1850).  I should have consumed this information a long time ago, it explains so well what the proper role of government should be and why.  Read/listen to further understand why the sole purpose of government is to protect the right of an individual to life, liberty, and property, and the view of legal plunder.  Share with others too!

The full text is available here, or in PDF format, or you can order it in paperback, hardback, or kindle from amazon.  The audio is also available for free, but I had a hard time locating it, so I am including it below also.

The Law: The Classic Blueprint for a Just Society | by Frédéric Bastiat

Locally hosted audio file of book:


Downloadable 5-minute segments, whole book in one file, and PDF file at:

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More Links, News, and Pictures – January 27, 2013

from Adam Kokesh:

The only people who shouldn’t be allowed to own guns are the ones who think they should be illegal.

It can’t be that important to him, because he consistently votes Democrat!

“People who take disability, who are on disability, in 1968 it was 51 to1, people on disability to people who worked. In 2001, not that long ago, it was 23 to 1. Now it’s 13 to 1, 13 people to one who are on disability. …

You know, it just seems like there’s less people pulling the wagon and more people in the wagon, and at some point the wagon is going to break.”  -Bill Maher – 25 Jan 2013

Maher Shockingly Blasts ‘Takers’: ‘We Have 23.5% Dirt Bags In America’ | NewsBusters

snippets from Letters to the editor of The New American on the subject of gun control

…from 1900 to 1999 there were 262 million murders by governments, mostly the victims’ own governments!
So who do we have to fear most, a few crazed madmen who lose their minds and shoot up a school, a theater, or a mall, or our own government?
…The last century was supposedly one of the most civilized, yet it [mass slaughters by governments] happened anyway.  There were more murders by governments than any other century in history, and many of them took place in relatively developed nations.

In Connecticut 20 children were killed on one day.  Compare that with the deaths of innocent children who are killed by our drones, or one of the 3,000+ who are killed daily in the abortion mills across our land, or those of 500,000 Iraqi children who died of malnutrition during the Clinton-era embargo of their country.

Famous Hollywood writer and filmmaker David Mamet, with box office smashes like Hannibal, The Untouchables, Wag The Dog, HOFFA, Glengarry Glen Ross, Heist, and Ronin on his belt to name just a few, says,

“The police do not exist to protect the individual. They exist to cordon off the crime scene and attempt to apprehend the criminal. We individuals are guaranteed by the Constitution the right to self-defense. This right is not the Government’s to “award” us. They have never been granted it.  The so-called assault weapons ban is a hoax. It is a political appeal to the ignorant…Will increased cosmetic measures make anyone safer? They, like all efforts at disarmament, will put the citizenry more at risk. Disarmament rests on the assumption that all people are good, and, basically, want the same things.  But if all people were basically good, why would we, increasingly, pass more and more elaborate laws?  The individual is not only best qualified to provide his own personal defense, he is the only one qualified to do so: and his right to do so is guaranteed by the Constitution.”

read more:

In U.K., Freedom of Speech and Press Hang in the Balance

authorities have been fiendishly prosecuting individuals merely for what they say on social media services…  brought trial to well over 1,000 cases each year since 2009

The US Debt is much more than $16 Trillion

debt“The actual liabilities of the federal government — including Social Security, Medicare, and federal employees’ future retirement benefits — already exceed $86.8 trillion.”  -Chris Cox and Bill Archer



“I’m not with Boehner.  This government doesn’t need any more money; this country needs less government.  His $800 billion tax hike will destroy American jobs and allow politicians in Washington to spend even more — while not reducing our $16 trillion debt by a single penny”  – Senator Jim DeMint after announcing he is leaving the senate to work at the Heritage Foundation.

Bureaucrats “Giddy” With “Newly Minted Power”

The federal government is out of control with their use of SWAT teams to brutalize and abuse people in the pursuit of enforcing stupid laws.  Here are a few examples from this article:

  • 3 Aug 2011: armed SWAT-style team for FDA, Department of Agriculture, CDC – Rawesome Foods was raided, inventory was destroyed.  Reason:  raw milk is illegal.
  • 7 June 2011:  SWAT team from the Office of Inspector General and US Department of Education – Stockton, California – Kenneth Wright and his 3 kids (ages 3, 7, 11) held in police car for 6 hours while home was searched.  Reason:  his estranged wife’s defaulted student loans. (she no longer lived there)
  • 1996: SWAT team from EPA, FBI, and others – Church Point, Louisiana – Hubert Vidrine accused of storing hazardous waste and lying about it.  Fifteen years of legal battles later, Vadrine wins case and is awarded $1.677 million.  The EPA agent had never possessed even “probable cause” of a crime, and had reckless disregard for the processes and power which had been bestowed on him, to effectively destroy another man’s life.
  • 24 Aug 2011: armed agents of US Fish and Wildlife Service – Gibson Guitar in Nashville and Memphis, Tennessee – Raided facilities in search of illegal wood.

Pictures and MEMEs:

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Links, News, Videos – January 27, 2013

Any gen-xer who was around in the BBS days will appreciate this video:

Testing Explosives from The Anarchist Cookbook

Adam Kokesh interviews two black men in DC on MLK Jr Day.  They clearly state, several times, they don’t agree with BO’s character, but support him because of his skin color.

Black voters risk lives to support Obama

MEMEs, Pictures: Continue reading

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News, Links, Videos, and Pictures – January 26, 2013

Here is a really good article written by an anti-gunner turned pro-gunner. The author covers many points that should resonate with anti-gun liberals:
Why this liberal no longer believes in gun control… (and why the “Assault weapon ban” is an ideologically-driven distraction)

GEICO is a company that will cancel your insurance if you deal with the weapons industry. (GEICO stands for Government Employee Insurance Company. There is no other entity on earth that is more responsible for the proliferation of the weapons industry than the US Government. Anyone else see the hypocrisy here?)

This is pretty funny:

AVTM punks “one million” moms for “gun control”

I love this response from Ron Paul:

**The Ron Paul clip that Fox refused to air**


Pictures, Posters, Propoganda, MEMEs, and more:



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Internet Freedom and ‘Conservatives’

What does the word ‘conservative’ mean?  To me, when speaking in terms of a politician running for office and representing themselves as a conservative, it means someone who will conserve (or protect) the principles of the US Constitution.  (I believe this is also how Mark Levin defines the word)

People I run into within the Republican party and Tea Party are generally very eager to represent themselves as being a ‘conservative’.  I take issue with this when I find out the very same people are eager to have government (especially the federal government) take care of whatever issue makes it to their top-10 list of problems.  Here is a good example of this in the area of Internet Freedom.


In December, I was in the audience of a town hall meeting of state representatives Jodie Laubenberg and Jeff Leach.  A question was asked by Barnett Walker in the audience if either of them would support legislation to prevent porn from coming into his house via the Internet.  It was my observation that both of the representatives supported this.  This is a huge red flag for me because it is Internet censorship, by way of the force of government.  The federal government wants very badly to control and regulate the Internet, and they have been trying to accomplish this in all kinds of different ways.  The truth is that every form of communication that has come out since the first amendment was ratified is being controlled, regulated, and manipulated (not-improved) by government interaction.  I feel very strongly that the Internet should and must be kept free (as in freedom).

For bg2the record, Jeff noticed the post on my facebook wall and took exception that I indicated he supported Continue reading

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Links, Videos, and News – January 26, 2013

Although I despise Newt Gingrich for other reasons, I highly respect his perspective on history, his intellect, and ability to debate and articulate concepts so well.  After the assclown Piers Morgan shuts his pie hole and lets Newt speak, Newt does a good job of explaining the second amendment and why we should not ban so called assault weapons now.  (I would have been much happier if he was consistent with the US Constitution and stated the machine gun ban was also a violation of the second amendment)

Newt Gingrich Takes on Piers Morgan on Guns Control – 1/24/13


from John Jay Myers:

On a friend of mine’s wall someone had commented “What kind of gun do you really need to have?” To that I say:

If there were a riot going on outside your house like the L.A. Riots what kind of gun would you like to have?

528848_10151393869111743_986086194_nIf these three guys broke into your house, what type of gun would you like to have?

If by some miracle we actually reduced our military by 80% brought our troops home thus balancing the budget, & ending terrorism (or the threat of it to us as we know it) with one catch, citizens need to keep and bear arms so that if we are ever invaded we will be able to fend off any foreign army…. what type of gun would you like to have?

If enough people who believe that the average joe should give up his guns, took away everyone’s guns, then Goldman Sachs (ie our government) decides that they don’t like free speech either… what type of gun would you like to have?

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Why I Watch the Daily Show

jon_stewart_ap_imgThe only TV show that I watch with any consistency is The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  In my never ending quest to understand things, I watch this show to help understand how young under-informed liberals think.  (The largest segment of young adults get their news from Jon Stewart)  It turns out that Jon is a pretty smart guy, not wise, but smart, and funny no doubt.  He seemed to once care about pointing out hypocrisy and things that were terribly wrong with our political system, but now he has given up on objectivity and makes his target audience happy by making fun of Fox News and Republicans while defending the idiocy of the Democrats in power.

The main reason I want to understand young liberals (or any liberal I guess) is so I can have meaningful conversations with them.  I was discouraged today when a left-leaning guy claimed there was no trend or danger of a global government.  I handed him a reprint of the article The United Nations: On the Brink of Becoming a World Government and told him I thought the publisher was one of the few I knew about that are very careful about sourcing their information.  He browsed it and said something about it didn’t seem like he would believe it, but I asked him to please read it and research anything he thought was untrue.  I don’t believe he has any intention of doing that though.

I guess at some point I’ll give up on this quest, because it is turning out to be non-productive and non-enlightening.  I’m already pressed for time, and want to make the most of the time I do have.  Trying to convince lefties they are wrong is probably not a good use of my time.  Trying to convince the zombies to pay attention doesn’t seem to be a good investment either. It is pretty frustrating:  You have a good indication that the path your country is on is terribly wrong, you have a pretty good idea of the direction you need to be headed, but you can’t find a way to change anything!

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