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Lizard Brain – Judgement
I was reminded of “The Lizard Brain” concept recently; this is definitely worth the read and putting some thought to.
Do you think, or react?
The text below is from the article at
The Lizard Brain
Where does Judgment come from?
When we teach creativity and creative problem solving skills, the first guideline we give is ‘suspend judgment’. It is the root of making brainstorming work for you.
What do we mean by judgment? One type of judgment is using our intellect to assess an idea after we have gathered facts and information. Our neo-cortex, that ‘new’ part of the human brain that lower species don’t have, sifts through the data, draws on our experience, perhaps performs some calculations, and we make an assessment. We reason consciously. Because this process is conscious it’s easier to control and to turn off and on. Continue reading
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Help Texas Nullify Obamacare
HB 3785 is scheduled to have a public committee hearing tomorrow (4/17/2013). I urge everyone who would like our Texas legislators to push back against the federal government to call and/or write each of the Federalism and Fiscal Responsibility committee members listed below and let them know your opinion on the subject. I’ve included a copy of the letter I wrote in case you would like to use it.
Rep. Brandon Creighton, Chair, 512-463-0726
Rep. Cindy Burkett, 512-463-0464
Rep. Eddie Lucio, 512-463-0606
Rep. Scott Turner, 512-463-0484
Rep. Armando Walle, 512-463-0924
April 16, 2013
The Honorable Brandon Creighton
Texas House of Representatives
Austin, TX 78711
Dear Representative Creighton,
I urge you to support H.B. 3785, PPACA (Obamacare) nullification.
It is breathtaking to see the unchecked expansion of the federal government in my own personal life, and frightening to learn of how much money Obamacare will cost.
To change the current path of making Texas legislature insignificant under the shadow of an ever increasing federal government, we need to push back through state legislative action. It is clear that the federal government does not have the authority to do anything not explicitly listed in the US Constitution. The 9th and 10th amendments explain most power lies in the states, not the federal government. To add insult, the US supreme court legislates from the bench, changing the law to make it fit whatever they think it should be. Somehow, we are to believe the judicial branch of the US government will keep the legislative and executive branch from increasing in size and scope? NO! This is the function of the state governments, and this is what I’m relying on you to do for us. Start changing the trend of unconstitutional laws, stop accepting the overreach of power, and start pushing back! Nullify the most outrageous laws to start with, and don’t stop until the balance of power is restored between Texas and the Federal government.
I hope you understand the urgency in supporting bills such as this one to help control the unconstitutional power grabs by the federal government. Not only are these actions unconstitutional, they are expensive and do not have the best interests of Texas citizens.
I look forward to hearing your position on this issue.
Brian Gallimore
107 Arbor Ridge Dr.
Allen, TX 75002
RedLion G315 Load via USB Locks Up Unit
The new G315 units (and only the G315s) don’t have USB 2.0 support. They use USB 1.1. When you try to load the configuration via USB, it will fail, and it will lockup.
The power-on while holding buttons 1 and 4 trick to reset the IP addresses doesn’t work.
The power-on while holding buttons 1 and 2 to reset the device doesn’t work.
The work-around is to use the ‘file – save image’ option – save file as image.ci3
Write the image file to a Compact Flash card. Insert in HMI, reboot.
Did FDR End or Extend the Depression?
5 minute video explaining the damage FDR’s progressive economic policies did during the great depression:
Prager University: Did FDR End or Extend the Depression?
President Franklin Roosevelt’s “New Deal,” has long been credited with rescuing the nation from the Great Depression of the 1930’s. Lee Ohanian, Professor of Economics at UCLA, challenges this conventional wisdom in a provocative examination of FDR’s economic policies.
Slavery and the US Declaration of Independence
Did you know: The Declaration of Independence was almost never signed because the Southern states demanded the right to keep slavery institutionalized. The slaves were almost freed in 1776.
Here is the clause describing slavery that was removed:
he has waged cruel war against human nature itself, violating it’s most sacred rights of life & liberty in the persons of a distant people who never offended him, captivating & carrying them into slavery in another hemisphere, or to incur miserable death in their transportation thither. this piratical warfare, the opprobrium of infidel powers, is the warfare of the CHRISTIAN king of Great Britain. determined to keep open a market where MEN should be bought & sold, he has prostituted his negative for suppressing every legislative attempt to prohibit or to restrain this execrable commerce:[11] and that this assemblage of horrors might want no fact of distinguished die, he is now exciting those very people to rise in arms among us, and to purchase that liberty of which he has deprived them, by murdering the people upon whom he also obtruded them; thus paying off former crimes committed against the liberties of one people, with crimes which he urges them to commit against the lives of another.
Homestead Heritage Village – Waco Texas
Here are some pictures of the fascinating and awesome Homestead Heritage Village in Waco Texas. An amazing number of amazing things are happening here. They are a self-sustaining village, and do most everything by hand. Their property is beautiful, everything is organized, manicured, and inviting. They have lots of classes in session all the time too.
Posted in Gardening, How-To, Information, Permaculture
Tagged farm, Gardening, intentional community, Self Sufficiency, skills, Tools
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