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Category Archives: Politics
Pickens on the Daily Show
This guy simply makes sense. Take a look. link You can send a letter to President-Elect Barack Obama congratulating him on his historic victory and asking him to support the Pickens Plan by visiting
MonkeySphere Thoughts
I re-read the Law of the Monkeysphere last week. I’ll get into what prompted me in another post, but I want to urge everyone who has not read this 2 page article to go do it now. If you read … Continue reading
Obama Launches
This seems like a good thing. (from slashdot) “Obama has launched According to the site ‘ provides resources to better understand the transition process and the decisions being made as part of it. It also offers an opportunity to … Continue reading
Obama Mocks The Bible
I think many Christians will be alarmed by this video. If you were not turned off by the Reverend Wright relationship, you might not give it much thought. BO does claim to be a Christian, right? link
NewsBusted: All Obama Edition
On the upside, a whole new era has opened up for political humor! link
US & Much of the World Got What it Asked For
We have selected a new president. I have many thoughts, but I sure don’t have the time to thoughtfully record them all. Steve over at has some very insightful thoughts: Obummer November 5th, 2008 Let the Socialist Looting Begin … Continue reading
1 More B4 11 04
Posted in Politics
Tagged democrat, McCain, Obama, poor, presidential election, racism, Republican, rich, tax, Video
Enabling Dishonesty and Socialism
This email was in my inbox this morning. I’ve heard much of the information before, but not all in one place. -BrianG — Subject: Concerned about socialism and lies? Please read To Barack Hussein Obama, The New York Times carried … Continue reading
2a for Today – Second Amendment Education
Be sure to watch all three parts. link
Posted in Interesting, Politics
Tagged freedom, Guns, rights, Second Amendment, Video
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