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Category Archives: Politics
At Least Someone Can Make It Funny
Thanks to Jon Stewart, I now see comedy in Obama’s press conference. If I could just look past the fact that my country appears to be crumbling before me, I’d spend all day laughing! The Daily Show With Jon StewartM … Continue reading
Video of Ronald Reagan 1964
What a great man! link
We Surround Them
We’ve heard about the $500,000 salary cap law for the TARP executives, right? Damn those evil big-shot executives! Well guess what, that law is another hose job. It is total BS. The law has no method of enforcement or penalty; … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged Glenn Beck, Jack Spirco, laws, pork, stimulus bill, TARP,
Congress Must Think We’re Stupid
from By Mike Huckabee I learned a few tricks and tactics while I was a lieutenant governor and governor for over 13 1/2 years. And one thing is that when someone is in a hurry to pass legislation, you’d … Continue reading
Make the Call
I’ve been hearing bits and pieces about what a load of pork this new “stimulus” package is. The more I learn, the more I realize that it isn’t a stimulus bill at all, it is a hose job being pushed … Continue reading
Senate Confirms Geithner To Head Treasury
I don’t think I can articulate this any better than Mike Huckabee did: Mike Huckabee 20090127P Who voted?
Predictions for the New “Presidency”
The email forward below brings up some serious possibilities that might lie in our future in the USA. Each time I hear someone start spewing BS about how George W Bush has personally ruined their life, I will forward this … Continue reading
Changefest 09
The Daily Show With Jon StewartM – Th 11p / 10c Changefest ’09 – Obama’s Inaugural Speech Barack Obama InterviewJohn McCain Interview Sarah Palin VideoFunny Election Video link
New President
I just heard we have a new president so I jumped on the Internet to see how people liked his speech. It didn’t take me long to get sidetracked. Yesterdays NewsBusters was funny: Then I read Steve’s entry (from the … Continue reading