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Category Archives: Politics
The Ten Principles of a Free Society
The Ten Principles of a Free Society by Ron Paul This is the Appendix to Ron Paul’s new book, Liberty Defined. Rights belong to individuals, not groups; they derive from our nature and can neither be granted nor taken away … Continue reading
Dan Carlin’s latest podcast discussed a concept that has interested me for a very long time: How to use Internet technology to replace our corrupt elected officials with the actual will of the public. I thought it would require some … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, Thoughts
Tagged democracy, government, Internet, republic, structure
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The Narrative – Political Correctness
I don’t know how I missed this video from Bill Whittle. This is another MUST WATCH!
Gays For Guns
A friend of mine used this catch phrase to describe Libertarianism. Here is an actual quote: The libertarian party is where the republicans and democrats can come together. The republicans can forget about their conservative social policies and democrats can … Continue reading
The Right to Life is Self-Evident
I agree with everything Rep Lankford says in the video below, he clearly states the truth. This is one of the very few issues I disagree with Libertarians on. One of the basic and legitimate roles of government is protecting … Continue reading
3 Terrible Things from 1913
There were 3 huge ‘events’ that occurred in the USA in 1913 that have a great impact on our lives today. Any one of them alone was a big deal, a very big deal, but the fact that all three of … Continue reading
Poll about the WikiLeaks Situation
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Video: American Exceptionalism
This video is good enough to watch daily; makes me feel much better about life. Hope!
What We Believe – Bill Whittle
I went over to PJTV to watch a new Bill Whittle video today, and he isn’t there anymore! He is most of the reason I subscribe to that site, and now he is gone. He does have a youtube channel, … Continue reading