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Category Archives: Politics
Growth, Energy, and Debt
I just read an article titled “Debt tantrum on a sinking ship by Richard Heinberg” that I want to share a few quotes from regarding our current national debt: Republicans say that more government debt is unsustainable. If we keep … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, Thoughts
Tagged debt, democrat, economy, energy, oil, Republican
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The Clash of Generations –
the generation that came of age in the last 50 years, my generation, will be remembered most for the incredible bounty and freedom it received from its parents and the incredible debt burden and constraints it left on its kids. … Continue reading
Ron Paul Video
Ron Paul: “We Will Default Because The Debt Is Unsustainable” | RealClearPolitics. Super 5 minute video from Ron Paul explains our debt situation very clearly and accurately. I don’t think he made any political friends from this one, but I sure … Continue reading
Twitter Questions for BO
from iowahawk‘s “Questions, So Many Questions“ President Obama graciously offered to take questions submitted via Twitter today, courtesy the #AskObama hashtag. Being an inquisitive sort, I decided to submit a few that have been nagging me. Below are my favorites: … Continue reading
Latest video from Bill Whittle: via YouTube – WALKING INTO MORDOR.
Thomas Paine’s Solution
GOOOH can be part of the solution of fixing the mess we are in. Transparency of our government is a good thing. Check out this new video from Thomas Paine and
Why Are Conservatives So Mean?
Andrew Clavan explains some truth to college graduates:
The Fast and the Furious – Mexico Grift
I’m told this spot is funny, but our own agents have been KILLED by this program. Stewart makes jokes, but all this is real. Our government is selling guns to drug dealers that are then using those guns against us.
Voted for Obama?
A humorous sign: (irony of criticizing idiots with a sign containing grammar mistakes is not lost on me) “If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you weren’t a racist, you’d better vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you’re … Continue reading