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Category Archives: Politics
Top 3 Common Myths of Capitalism
I’d prefer the term free-market be used, but the points are still valid: via youtube
Ron Paul 2012 Video
”Once you become knowledgable, you have an OBLIGATION to DO something about it.”
He Saw It Coming…
Ron Paul predicted what is about to happen to our economy. The other candidates laughed and sneered. They promised everything was fine… No one can match Ron Paul’s knowledge, consistency, or honesty. He stands up for the Constitution even when … Continue reading
Tea Party Extremist Quotes
Marco Rubio Says “Save The Country”. Great speech! Sounds like Marco has brains, morals, and a backbone. How rare in DC! via youtube
Did the Debt Increase Help or Hurt?
I suspect a few more people will start tuning in to reality soon. The Judge boils it down to a powerful 4 minute message right here! via youtube
Rich Get Richer, Poor Get Richer Too
One of the biggest lies perpetuated by the ignorant and those who manipulate others is: “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. In one of his best 10-minute videos yet, Bill Whittle starts there, and gets deeper- down … Continue reading
Posted in Interesting, Politics
Tagged Bill Whittle, envy, pjtv, poor, rich, Video, wealth
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What If? -by Ron Paul
What if you open your eyes? By Ron Paul Short 3 minute video adapted from a Ron Paul speech from February 2009:
Republican Party Does NOT Favor Smaller Government
Boehner’s discretionary spending plan shown in chart below. Special note from Ed: Attention Republican/Conservatives, your party is not in favor of smaller government. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Only in Washington.
Birds and Bees of Money w/ Extra Sarcasm
Pretty funny new video from Andrew Klaven explaining that money = desire. (I prefer money = labor, but his description works too)