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Category Archives: Politics
Scott Adams Stole my Idea!
So Scott may have given it more thought than I did, and he might possibly be closer to the genius end of the intelligence scale than I am, and it might also be possible that he actually records and publishes … Continue reading
Taxes, the Wealthy and a Return to the Ocean
Here is a funny and informative article from my favorite writer that was recently published in the WSJ. I recommending reading it once for entertainment and then again for meaning. Scott Adams on Taxes, the Wealthy and a Return to … Continue reading
Wisconsin Judge Rules No Right to Own a Cow or Drink Its Milk
WI Judge to Zinniker, FTCLDF: No “Fundamental Right to Own a Cow, or Consume Its Milk… Am I Making Myself Clear?” ~ David Gumpert Wisconsin seems to be one of the favorite places to live for socialists in the USA. … Continue reading
Prager University: Is Israel an Apartheid State? – YouTube
via Prager University: Is Israel an Apartheid State? – YouTube.
It’s The Bankers Fault!
Anonymous released another creepy video. They are telling us it is the bankers fault. I don’t really disagree with this, but what I’m more interested in is where this is all going. The protests on Wall Street don’t seem to … Continue reading
The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality
The due-process-free assassination of U.S. citizens is now reality – Glenn Greenwald – After several unsuccessful efforts to assassinate its own citizen, the U.S. succeeded today the U.S. Government has seized and exercised exactly the power the Fifth Amendment was designed to … Continue reading
Live Free of Die
In Bill Whittle’s Afterburner video “Live Free or Die”, he goes through the recent crash that happened at Reno Air Races, and the predictable outcry of the statist that followed. He then gets into something very interesting: “the socialism that you promote so vigorously has probably … Continue reading
Afterburner: The Truth Is Out There
Bill Whittle talks about truth, socialism, and capitalism. How many families were shot to death climbing the Berlin wall to escape the horrors of Corporatism for the worker’s paradise in East Germany? via youtube
In the GOP debate, Ron Paul again showed he isn’t particularly upset with, or allied with, anyone.
If you were anywhere near Allen this morning you likely heard me yelling at the ‘conservatives’ on the radio morning show as they were bashing and dismissing Ron Paul yet again. They claim he is an isolationist. I don’t think … Continue reading
The Future Lier-In-Chief
I predict Mr. GoodHair will be our next president because the voting public doesn’t much care about truth, facts, and nonsense like that. As long as they ‘feel right’ about their choices, that’s all that really matters. Perry is great … Continue reading
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