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Category Archives: Politics
Obama will sign NDAA 1031 Citizen Imprisonment Law
I’ve heard from some who think President Obama will veto a law that will make it so we (US Citizens) can be imprisoned for life without any evidence or trial. This video suggests otherwise! (His administration were the ones who … Continue reading
Prolonged Detention for Future Crimes
This video is not new, but it is new to me. I generally disagree with everything I hear from Rachael Maddow (I usually refer to her as Rachael Madcow). Here, she talks about rule of law under the US Constitution, … Continue reading
Occupy Wall Street & Capitalism: A Professor’s Response
Crony-Capitalism IS NOT Capitalism! When the fox is guarding the hen-house and the results are bad, why would you put more foxes on the job to solve the problem? Occupy Wall Street & Capitalism: A Professor’s Response – YouTube.
The Great Progressive Myth Favored by Republicans
The Myth: If the government doesn’t do it, then it won’t happen. You either favor government intervention, or you are an awful person who wants some horrible consequence. Here is a quick run-down of why this common progressive thought process … Continue reading
Think Different Video
Here’s to the crazy ones. The ones who see things differently. They have no respect for the status quo. They push the human race… forward. And while some see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people … Continue reading
What’s up with These Sorry Politicians?
Wanna drain the swamp? No problem! (If the TV ads are going to be this cool, I can’t wait for it, this one is great!) New Ron Paul Ad – BIG DOG
CFLs are NOT better than Incandescent Bulbs!
Saying that CFLs are better than traditional light bulbs is one of the biggest scams and lies of the day! If you want to get all technical and factual about why compact florescent lights are NOT better than incadescent light … Continue reading
Posted in Politics, Technology
Tagged CFL, government intervention, light bulbs, Video
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Tens of trillions of dollars are being extracted from the United States of America! Democrats are not doing it, Republicans are not doing it, an entire system is doing it. There is a refusal on both the Democrat and Republican … Continue reading
The Electibility of Ron Paul – Part 4
Ron Paul is able to clearly articulate these important concepts even while being scoffed at on national TV by a big-time establishment media-type. (I would spontaneously combust under these conditions) He remains cool and directly answers the questions with great answers. This … Continue reading
Bob Schieffer, Ron Paul and journalistic “objectivity” –
Bob Schieffer, Ron Paul and journalistic “objectivity” –