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Category Archives: Politics
Bush/Obama Foreign Policy
There is no real difference in the foreign policy between the last two presidents and the current group of neocons running for the office. This (funny) video shows what that looks like. Foreign Policy
(Not) The Greatest Speech Ever Made
The Charlie Chaplin speech in the video below has been passed on to me by several people who I consider to be intelligent and educated. While I agree with the issues that are pointed out in the speech as the … Continue reading
The Ron Paul Newsletters
Ron Paul still has not really answered the question about his old newsletters that contained a few (mildly) racist comments. This issue is not likely going to go away, and I think he will actually have to address it eventually. … Continue reading
Political Propaganda Posters
A few of my favorite pics and posters from the past little bit:
Makers vs. Takers at Occupy Wall Street
Good and short video claiming to know the ‘fundamental problem’ that OWS is mad about. Makers vs. Takers at Occupy Wall Street – YouTube.
Cooperation vs. Competition and Incandescent vs. CFL
One of the topics drilled in to our heads in my Permaculture Design Course was the concept that we need more cooperation and less competition. Generally, I agree cooperation is a great thing, but when producers of a goods cooperate … Continue reading
Posted in Permaculture, Politics
Tagged CFL, compact fluorescent lights, light bulbs
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Support Our Troops – Listen to What They Have to Say
The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over expecting different results. Interventionist foreign policy is clearly dangerous, expensive (in terms of both lives cost and money spent), and harmful to the American public. Some traditional Republicans are not … Continue reading
Sane Foreign Policy: Non-Intervention
The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is.. to have with them as little political connection as possible. It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances with any portion of the foreign … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged audio, foreign policy, isolationist, non-interventionist, Ron Paul
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EVERYBODY knows that Republicans are EVIL! What kind of Evil? Greedy, Fascist, Racist evil — the worst kind! Bill Whittle unravels the facts behind this perfect storm of evil in a breezy fashion that provides a hurricane of historical data … Continue reading
4 Legitimate Reasons NOT to vote for Ron Paul
4 Legitimate Reasons NOT to vote for Ron Paul