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Category Archives: Politics
Goodbye to Conservatism
To my friends that are supporters of Rick Santorum: I won’t say you are an idiot, I’ll just say the definition of ‘conservative’ has changed… that way I won’t have to have the discussion that you are a flaming douchbag … Continue reading
Stossel on the TSA
It pains me to admit that San Francisco is leading the way in terms of free market principles in the area of airport security! Stossel 4-6-2012 “No They Can’t” ***AWESOME***
A New Era of Freedom
A new video by ‘RedPillR3volution’ RON PAUL REVOLUTION: A New Era Of Freedom
Merchants of Despair
Who is responsible for the current economic malaise? If you ask Bill Whittle, it’s Obama’s pals like David Axelrod, Harry Reid and Tim Geithner, some of the many Merchants of Despair. These merchants are costing taxpayers trillions and creating deep … Continue reading
Peaceful Protesting = Felony & 10 year sentence
The trend toward tyranny continues. From “HR 347 ‘Trespass Bill’ Criminalizes Protest”: H. R. 347 makes protest of any type potentially a federal offense with anywhere from a year to 10 years in federal prison The Judge says it clearly … Continue reading
Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Mao, and Obama
A friend sent me this article today. It is also published here, but the version I received has hyperlinks to government documents for reference, so I included it also. This article explains yet another unconstitutional power grab by the Obama regime. … Continue reading
There Will be No U.S. Economy by 2027
A short message tailored for those people who really don’t care to get too deep into politics: I’M TALKING TO YOU
Prager University: The Welfare State and the Selfish Society
Socialism or Capitalism? Which system nurtures selfishness? Prager University: The Welfare State and the Selfish Society
Milton Friedman: The Problem of Bureaucracy
Milton Friedman: The Problem of Bureaucracy
Jennifer Pahlka: Coding a Better Government
“I love this” You won’t hear words like that come from me very often. I love this concept, I love the spirit, I love the execution, and I love the direction. Notice there is no use of force in this … Continue reading