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Category Archives: Politics
If I Wanted America to Fail
Make cheap energy expensive Empower un-elected bureaucrats to all but outlaw the most abundant sources of energy Imply cities and factories could run on wind power and wishes Ignore the hypocrisy of condemning logging, mining, and farming, while having roofs over their heads, heat in their homes, … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged America, carbon credits, climate change, economy, free market, oil industry, regulation, Video
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The Power of Profit
This is the same basic message as Ayn Rand’s, but toned WAY down for the ‘normal’ folks. Collectivism is a path to destruction. Why people promote something that will end in disaster is beyond me! Prager University: The Power of … Continue reading
They Have a Monopoly on the Currency
The job of the federal reserve is to be a central planner for our monetary system. One thing we have learned over the past few decades is that central planning doesn’t work as well as markets John Stossel: SPEAKS TO … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged Federal Reserve, free market, Money, monopoly, Stossel, Video
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Adrian, Santorum, and Ron Paul
Below is a repost of Adrian Murry’s facebook post from earlier today. For those who don’t know Adrian, he is the leader of the Fort Worth tea party, owner of Painless Performance Products, and author of the book Common Ground America. … Continue reading
But there will be no FEMA, no Medicare, no highways, no education!
From a friend’s facebook wall: Liberal: In Ron Paul’s America there would be no FEMA for Texas tornado victims, no Medicare for the elderly, no federal money for highways, no national standards or dollars for education, and no environmental protections … Continue reading
Ron was Right
“Ron was Right” will be a popular bumper sticker after the election if he doesn’t get elected to office. The short list of things he accurately predicted are in the video below. It is important to note that Ron Paul … Continue reading
Inflation is Just Like Alcoholism
Milton Friedman on Inflation and Money Supply
The 2012 National Debt Road Trip
The 2012 National Debt Road Trip
Bill Whittle is right. again. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. Remember that Adolf Hitler never did anything illegal. He simply created laws to justify his actions. Your rights as a human come from the fact … Continue reading
For the Record : Trayvon Killing
For the Record : Trayvon Killing