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Category Archives: Life
Philmont Scout Ranch Backpacking Trek
Bryson and I completed a 12-day backpacking trip at Philmont Scout Ranch. This was my first time visiting the ranch. I felt lucky to get to go, because I’ve heard stories from people who have worked or visited Philmont and … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Life, Outdoors
Tagged backpacking, boy scouts, philmont, scouts, trek, trip
Canadian BWCA Canoe Trip
Canoed 65 miles (not including taxi or fishing), 23 portages in BWCA (Boundry Waters Canoe Area) for 9 days and 8 nights. Traveled by van about 2400 miles from Allen TX to Ely MN. The total trip was 13 days … Continue reading
Posted in Events, Family, Leisure, Life, Outdoors
Tagged boy scouts, BWCA, Canada, canoe, High Adventure, Northern Teir, scouts
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Michael Badnarik Explains how in Increase your Constitutional Kung Foo
When Michael Badnarik ( left Texas almost 5 years ago, I was bummed because I figured I wouldn’t ever have a chance to take his constitution class again. I was late to the liberty movement and seemed to miss some … Continue reading
Concrete Foundation for Shop
After months of delays due to rain, and then delays caused by the delays, I finally have the foundation for the new shop poured. These are the templates I made for the anchor bolts 70+ cubic yards of select fill … Continue reading
News, Links, MEMEs – January 30, 2013
Ummm, yeah, I’m positive I have this problem! Libertarian types are disproportionately rationalists of an analytical bent. They are therefore prone to the quaint but false idea that the best way to win a supporter is explain one’s view logically … Continue reading
Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee
Grandmother Says… Carrots, Eggs, or Coffee; “Which are you?” A young woman went to her grandmother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make … Continue reading
Video of Thief in my Driveway
I was going through the events recorded on my new security camera DVR this morning and was pretty surprised to see this unfold: Neighborhood Thief Checks Out My Vehicles I didn’t have any of the alarms set up for that … Continue reading
What We Learned
Evil is Real, Hate is Destructive, Security is an Illusion Heroes Exist, There is Joy in Community, There is Strength in Unity Sacrifice is Worth Honoring, Freedom is Worth Defending via youtube
Brian is a Permaculture Designer
I presented my design today and graduated. I’m amazed at how much material we covered in the 11 day class. It was a whirlwind of knowledge, ideas, concepts, getting dirty, building a raised bed, rain barrel, herb spiral, compost pile, working … Continue reading
Don’t Use
I recommend against using, or any of the other third-party hotel-booking companies. Here is why: 1) You aren’t able to cancel or change your reservation without hassle and/or fee/penalities. 2) You can’t get credit on your normal rewards points … Continue reading