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Category Archives: Information
Garden Hose Quick Connects
A long time ago, I bought some solid brass garden hose quick connects. They worked great. I loved them. I decided all my hoses should have these. Fast forward 20 years. The big box stores don’t sell them any more. … Continue reading
DIY Automatic Transfer Switch
I created an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) using a DPDT (2 switchover contacts) relay and 2 motor contactors linked with a mechanical interlock module.
Posted in Industrial Automation, Information, Projects
Tagged ATS, contactor, DIY, relay, schematic
Wiring Schematic for Bad Boy ZTE Mower
I drew up a partial set (relay functions) of wiring schematics for a 2014 Bad Boy ZT Elite zero-turn mower. These hand-sketched drawings are based on the wiring diagram provided in the user manual. If you are like me, you … Continue reading
How-To Get Clean Dishes with a Modern Dishwasher
If your modern high-efficiency* dishwasher is anything like mine, then it is a source of constant frustration. Even with pre-washing the dishes don’t come out very clean. I think I solved the problem, here is what we do: wash out … Continue reading
Windows PPTP VPN Setup on LinuxMint 17
After poking around for too long, I finally found the solution to connecting to a standard Windows server PPTP VPN from LinuxMint 17. (from I’m posting here to make it easy to find again. Click the NetworkManager Applet VPN Connection … Continue reading
Computer Time
Inside a computer, the definition of time gets confusing, because we haven’t always agreed on the definition of time and we periodically add bits of time (usually seconds) based on unpredictable events that occur with a giant water-covered rock flying through … Continue reading
Posted in Information, Technology
Tagged atomic time, GMT, GPS, leap second, TAI, time, UT1, UTC
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Data Type Comparison Chart
When I switch between different systems, I get confused about what size a certain data type represents , so I made this chart:
Razor Dune Buggy w/ 500w motor, 36v battery
Our Razor Dune Buggy is finished now. Here is a quick video showing it off with the new parts: List of changed components from the original configuration: Here is a list of parts I ordered from
Posted in Automotive, Family, Information, Projects
Tagged Bryson, dune buggy, go cart, Modifications, Razor, Video
I created a new website at to serve as a landing page for my professional contacts. The graphic is of a pocket protector with a lightening bolt behind it. Pretty geeky huh?
Redirect, Pipe, and Tee
Redirect – ls command creates file called file_list.txt instead of sending to stdout: $ ls > file_list.txt Redirect Append – ls command appends file_list.txt instead of sending to stdout: $ ls >> file_list.txt Pipe – sends output of ls command … Continue reading