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Category Archives: Family
Razor Dune Buggy w/ 500w motor, 36v battery
Our Razor Dune Buggy is finished now. Here is a quick video showing it off with the new parts: List of changed components from the original configuration: Here is a list of parts I ordered from
Posted in Automotive, Family, Information, Projects
Tagged Bryson, dune buggy, go cart, Modifications, Razor, Video
Bryson and Aiden at a Petting Zoo
The boys got to hang out with some friendly animals today. Aiden was pretty funny, he wasn’t too sure how to hold or touch them. Bryson took right to it.
Playhouse Expansion
Six months after we’ve moved in I’m finally getting to the task of setting up the playhouse we brought with us from the old house. Side note: Bryson told me this weekend he remembers going to someone’s house and taking … Continue reading
Palo Duro Canyon
A few pics from Palo Duro Canyon in the Texas Panhandle:
Bryson First Grade Pics
Bryson is about to start the first grade; here are a few pictures of his ‘meet the teacher’ experience.
Aiden Stole My Camera
The battery was dead when I got the camera back, and it was full of pictures like this:
Aiden’s Birthday Party
Amber said this is likely the last kids birthday party where she will get to pick out the theme and how things are decorated. Aided did not seem to like being the center of attention when everyone sang to him, … Continue reading
Family Vacation Pictures – Beaver’s Bend OK
The Gallimore and Burgess families shared a cabin for a few days up in the piney hills of SE Oklahoma. We had a good time getting out of the city. Here are some pictures that Heather took.