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- Wiring Schematic for Bad Boy ZTE Mower
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- Swivel Studs for Ruger 10/22 With Composite Stock
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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Famous Presidential Lies
Famous Presidential Lies LBJ: We were attacked (in the Gulf of Tonkin) Nixon: I am not a crook GHW Bush: Read my lips – No New Taxes Clinton: I did not have sex with that woman… Miss Lewinski GW Bush: … Continue reading
Boot from ISO using GRUB2
Goal is to install new OS from an ISO image without creating a boot CD. Step 1: Format hard disk to be used with a boot partition. (set boot flag) Step 2: Mount partition, create new directory named ‘boot’ (in … Continue reading
The Basis for Law is Religion
DID YOU KNOW? As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world’s law givers and each one is facing one … Continue reading
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Using WonderWare Script to Check for Correct Number Format
Here is how I used a WonderWare window script to check to make sure the batch number entered by the operator meets the following requirements: must be 9 digits first digit is a 8 2nd and 3rd digit are the … Continue reading
Wood Repair Using Plastic Filler (bondo)
The house we just bought had damage to several of the stair trim pieces of wood from a dog. Here are some pictures I took of my fix. I started with a dowel glued in a hole I drilled, then … Continue reading
Use cron, grep, ps to monitor and restart a program (x11vnc)
As a band-aid to check if a program stopped running, and then restart it if it did stop, here is what I came up with. x11vnc is the program that gave me trouble, seems like every once in a while, … Continue reading
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Redirect, Pipe, and Tee
Redirect – ls command creates file called file_list.txt instead of sending to stdout: $ ls > file_list.txt Redirect Append – ls command appends file_list.txt instead of sending to stdout: $ ls >> file_list.txt Pipe – sends output of ls command … Continue reading
Fire Hose Pants
Amber bought me a pair of fire hose pants for Christmas. I wore them today to do some clean-up work outside. Right off the bat, there are two things that are awesome about these pants: 1) There is a diamond-cut … Continue reading
Government Can Not Grant Freedom
from Adrian Murry’s facebook post One thing I have learned over the last five years of politically righteous indignation is that if we protest from a position of victimhood we too easily enable ourselves to be victims. My outrage since … Continue reading
blinksticks showing opposite colors
A few hours of tinkering with the new blinksticks, here is what I came up with: The light on the right is set to a random color every 1/2 second. The stick on the left morphs to the opposite color. … Continue reading