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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Wire Theft Detection System
Here is a pretty neat little project I just finished up that will detect if wire is stolen, and then send out email and text messages alerting a team of people of the event. It is in a remote area, … Continue reading
Posted in Industrial Automation
Tagged cellular router, modular controller, Red Lion, Sixnet, Sparky Geek, Video
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Gray Card for Photography
Create your own gray card by using photo editing software: fill with black adjust opacity to 50% (or just print the png above or this US Letter sized PDF Gray Card)
Razor Dune Buggy w/ 500w motor, 36v battery
Our Razor Dune Buggy is finished now. Here is a quick video showing it off with the new parts: List of changed components from the original configuration: Here is a list of parts I ordered from
Posted in Automotive, Family, Information, Projects
Tagged Bryson, dune buggy, go cart, Modifications, Razor, Video
I created a new website at to serve as a landing page for my professional contacts. The graphic is of a pocket protector with a lightening bolt behind it. Pretty geeky huh?
BBQ Grill Burners and Heat Plates
For $40, I was able to have 3 new burners and 3 new stainless steel heat plates shipped to my door. The reason I thought this was so great is last time I bought new burners, I paid $60 for … Continue reading
Bryson and Aiden at a Petting Zoo
The boys got to hang out with some friendly animals today. Aiden was pretty funny, he wasn’t too sure how to hold or touch them. Bryson took right to it.
Playhouse Expansion
Six months after we’ve moved in I’m finally getting to the task of setting up the playhouse we brought with us from the old house. Side note: Bryson told me this weekend he remembers going to someone’s house and taking … Continue reading
Time Average in Ladder Logic (ControlLogix AOI)
I’ve needed a time-average function several times, so I figure other people have also. Here is a handy AOI which makes it easy to use in a ControlLogix ladder program. (AB has the Moving Average MAVE instruction in function block and … Continue reading
Posted in Industrial Automation
Tagged Allen Bradley, AOI, automation, ControlLogix, controls, ladder, logic, PLC
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Politics Explained
Left wing, right wing, libertarian on marriage, health care, money, taxation, and war.
Convert PDF to PNG using Linux
If you use the defaults for Imagemagick, the output of a PDF file with text converted to PNG is unreadable. The secret is to use the density option: $ convert -density 300 xxxxx.pdf yyyyy.png If the original PDF has a … Continue reading