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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Computer Time
Inside a computer, the definition of time gets confusing, because we haven’t always agreed on the definition of time and we periodically add bits of time (usually seconds) based on unpredictable events that occur with a giant water-covered rock flying through … Continue reading
Posted in Information, Technology
Tagged atomic time, GMT, GPS, leap second, TAI, time, UT1, UTC
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Program to Email Memory Contents of Redlion HMI for Troubleshooting
The Redlion HMIs have the capability of creating and deleting files on the flash memory card and emailing out files. The program below is called from a button on a diagnostics screen. This is used to collect the contents of … Continue reading
Bryson – Wolf to Bear Crossover
Bryson’s den had their crossover ceremony last night. They graduated from wolf cub scouts to bears.
While the info is fresh in my mind, I thought I’d make a few notes from the 3-day training class on IDEC PLCs and HMIs. In General: Excellent hardware quality compact size low cost software is inexpensive (free with purchase … Continue reading
Use Linear Regression to Find Slope of Many Datapoints
Here is the implementation of a program that analyses several days worth of data coming from a sensor that might change a tiny amount over that time. We were interested in how much of a change over time occurred, so … Continue reading
The Remnant
Ever wonder why Ron Paul would get up and give the same speech everywhere he went, no matter the audience? Why he didn’t waver from his central message of individual liberty? I think it was because he had a different … Continue reading
Current Time as a Fraction of Current Year
I had the need to represent time as a fraction of a year, so I came up with this little program to do the conversion for me. (using in Redlion Crimson 3)
Posted in Industrial Automation
Tagged conversion, Crimson 3, date, RedLion, scale, time
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Undocumented Secrets of Integrating BACnet MSTP
After too many hours of struggling though trial and error, packet sniffing, and lots of various materials found on the Internet, I have uncovered a few very important secrets that were not readily apparent in the official vendor documentation I had … Continue reading
Water Flowing around the Gallimore House
Due to all the rain and melting snow, we have water pooling and flowing in areas I’ve never seen water at before. Here are a two videos of the streams surrounding us right now.
Build Your Own Non-Linear Response
It is common to control the speed of a pump based on a sensor reading. But what if you want the pump speed to change at a different rate at different parts of the sensor range? If the response isn’t … Continue reading