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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Voter Guides: Collin GOP Primary 2012
In addition to Brian’s Recommendations for Republican Primary – Vote May 29, 2012 that I posted a few weeks ago, here are a similar resources from people I trust: from Barbara Harless: from Tom B: Compilation of … Continue reading
Economy of Fritz Von Eric
Here is a chart of the fuel performance my cheap diesel econo-box has got to date. I still can’t get over that the US government is interfering with the automotive market to the point that the same car in the … Continue reading
Disturbed – Land of Confusion (Genesis Cover)
I won’t be coming home tonight My generation will put it right We’re not just making promises That we know we’ll never keep There’s too many men, too many people Making too many problems … Disturbed – Land Of Confusion … Continue reading
BO Used Marijuana and Maybe a Little Blow
States rights don’t mean jack-shit to the Obama administration on anything except gay marriage I believe this is Obama chortling with Jimmy Fallen about lower class people Do we believe, even for a second, that if Obama had been busted … Continue reading
Don’t Give Up Your Rights
Based on another story about police’s blatant disregard for our basic human rights and possible motivation for stuffing the local coffers, I wanted to share some basic information about rights and how police might try to encourage you to give them up … Continue reading
Posted in learning, Politics
Tagged bill of rights, cards, cops, police, rights, US Constitution, Video
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US Government Prevents Efficient Vehicles
MPG whores, check this out. Those that say we have free markets in the US are delusional. Our government does NOT represent the best interest of 1)the people or 2) the environment; The government DOES represent the large corporate interests. … Continue reading
Posted in Automotive, Politics
Tagged big government, free market, fuel efficiency, government, MPG
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Tiny Diesel – Tiny Engine Bay
For for the first time in a long time, I’ve had a chance to do a little automotive maintenance. Fritz was overdue for an oil change according to the windshield sticker. (I know I haven’t ever changed it) The oil … Continue reading
Re-Elect Barack Obama!
If anyone is considering voting for BO after knowing just a few simple facts shown in this video, I beg you to provide me a reasoned argument why you think this is a good choice. Why We Must Re-elect Obama!
We Need More Engineers and Fewer Lawyers
“In the midst of Congressional races around the country, one stands out to techies. Thomas Massie, an MIT whiz kid who pioneered touch-based interfaces and founded SensAble Technologies in the 1990s, is the favorite to win the Republican nomination in … Continue reading
Republicans Don’t Want a Constitutionalist
The problem we have and have always had but is usually out of sight, is the corruption within the Republican party. They do not want anyone, assuming any office, local, state, or federal, who is a Constitutionalist; and will … Continue reading