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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
This is Watergate With 300 Dead People
It hasn’t all come out, yet. The story told here is likely the truth, or very close to it. I thank God that the some of the founders of our country insisted on adding the second amendment. It is one … Continue reading
Obama or Romney?
Realistically, Americans are down to the choice of one of the two remaining candidates for POTUS. Neither are very desirable to me, but for the sake of argument, lets go through the high points of each. For Obama: Obama winning … Continue reading
BO is the “Most Arrogant Man in the World”
This is a pretty good humorous video about BO, especially if you play it while reading the empty suit’s house of cards is falling down, and his lapdog media are starting to call it quits. Most Arrogant Man in the … Continue reading
History of War in the USA
Not exactly what I learned while in the socialist education system, but here are some things all Americans will be better off knowing and understanding: The Civil War was not about slavery. It was about Lincoln denying the right of … Continue reading
DR Horton Sucks, Part 4
After 10 years, the soil has eroded away enough to expose more of the root flares of the trees. I happen to notice the wire sticking up through the ground. Some live trees come with their root balls wrapped in burlap and … Continue reading
Are You a Pet or a Citizen?
Please choose which category you want to be included in: Pet – you are guaranteed a ‘good life’: food, shelter, healthcare, birth control, etc. Citizen – you are free to choose your own path (note: Pets do not get the privilege of being part … Continue reading
What It Means to Be A Libertarian
“Conservatives and Liberals are, at some level, the same. They are authoritarians. They both have views on the right way for people to run their lives and they want to impose that on people, whereas libertarians want to let people … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged conservative,, liberal, Libertarian, Video
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Conservative, Redefined
There is an effort by the enemies of liberty to redefine the word ‘conservative’. Many of the sheeple have already bought off on it without thinking. (but I repeat myself) Jack Hunter plays some clips of Herman Cain and Rick … Continue reading
JBS Resources
Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society has been dedicated to restoring and preserving freedom under the United States Constitution. Here are some of the resources I think are most important: Watch Overview of America Sign up for JBS email alerts … Continue reading
No burglaries came by way of burglar alarms…
I just read some information from the Allen Citizens on Patrol regarding home burglaries: 26 of the 58 homes were entered by way of the backyard This method of entry accounts for 44% of the burglaries But the biggest surprise … Continue reading