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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Ford Hates Oil Pressure Gauges
Back when Ford was making the jelly-bean shaped pickups, they wired a pressure switch signal to the pressure gauge (instead of a real pressure signal). This had the effect of moving the needle on the oil pressure gauge to one … Continue reading
Homemade Mouse Trap
We have a devious mouse in our garage that doesn’t fall for the variety of snap traps or glue traps we have set. I built a homemade mouse trap from a 5 gallon bucket, piece of wire, piece of PVC … Continue reading
We Are Destroying Our Middle Class and Our Society
There were some smart free-market thinkers back in the 90’s who warned us about the danger of shipping our jobs overseas to take advantage of extremely cheap labor. (Sir James Goldsmith and Ross Perot) Notice that when Romney and Obama … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged destruction, free trade, free trade area, global free trade, jobs, middle class
The History Of Money
The history of money is fascinating:
Posted in Money, Politics
Tagged central bank, currency, fiat, Fractional Reserve Banking, Money
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144,000,000 Have No Skin in the Game
“Government wants you dependent on government. And if more government is the answer, then it’s a really stupid question” Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved
Obama, in his own words. (un-narrated documentary)
If you are considering voting for BO after the mountain of lies, I’d love to have a calm discussion with you. An Un-narrated Obama Documentary/Review – in his own words (The Original)
What If? (text of speech)
Madam Speaker, I have a few questions for my colleagues. What if our foreign policy of the past century is deeply flawed and has not served our national security interests? What if we wake up one day and realize that … Continue reading
A Plea to all Americans
If you care about your own livelihood and/or the future of your children, it is important you be a part of the solution. It is clear that the leaders from both of the political parties in power do not have much interest … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged corruption, coruption, democrat, problem, Republican, solution, Vote
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From one man who is constantly amazed by indoor plumbing and cheap energy, I support the efforts of Mike Rowe’s project to promote American skilled labor. Check out his recent letter to Gov. Romney and his website
Support and Educate your Local Sheriff
There is really no downside to having your most high-ranking peace officers become more educated and informed about the Constitutional basis of their authority. As our un-elected local police forces become increasingly militarized and federalized, the sheriffs are being downsized … Continue reading