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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Since I’ve been working with virtual machines lately, my tiny Solid State Drive is filled up. This was easily remedied by adding a traditional Hard Disk Drive. I was surprised at how much difference there is between these two devices … Continue reading
Your Right to Vote
The big finale of the 2012 election cycle is coming to an end tomorrow! Lots and lots of resources are being spent to try to encourage everyone to get out and vote. I think this is a terrible idea, here … Continue reading
The Biggest Threat to USA’s National Security
Here is Ben Swann explaining what is really going on with the Mexican drug cartels. (I won’t give it away, you need to watch!) Ben Swann: What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The Drug War
Posted in Politics
Tagged Ben Swann, drug war, gun running, Mexico, Video, war on drugs
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Blowback + Cover Up One week before the big finish to the horse race we call presidential elections and the big story that is not being reported by the mainstream media (except maybe Fox News) is BangahaziGate. At the core of the … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged Bangahazi, BO, Bullshit Mountain, coverup, foreign policy, lies
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Apathy and Liberty
The video is a little too dramatic in the beginning, but listen with an open mind and you will get the meaning. How Do You Kill 11 Million People?
The End of American Exceptionalism
Allen Keyes explains what the end of American Exceptionalism means. Keyes to the Republic Vol. 3 Our Crisis
5 Gun Posters and Gun Quotes
first seen at: “Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty’s teeth.” — George Washington “The world is filled with violence. Because criminals carry guns, we decent law-abiding citizens should also have guns. Otherwise … Continue reading
The Dependency Agenda
When Medicare was adopted, the elderly were the wealthiest group of Americans, as they are today In 1979, the majority of federal transfer payments went to the poor; today 64% goes to the middle and upper classes Massive federal entitlement … Continue reading
Posted in Politics
Tagged dependency, entitlements, Great Society, LBJ, Medicare, social security, Video
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Exploding Sink
Our A/C condensate drain has been clogged up. Luckily, we had paid the A/C guy extra to add a ball valve and schrader valve to the line to make cleaning it out a breeze. I should know better, none of … Continue reading
Somebody Picked the Wrong Diner
Funny video of the way things should be! Gunny & Glock – Wrong Diner – Extended Version