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Author Archives: Brian Gallimore
Unserioius People
Bill Whittle doses out some painful truth here. The most important point is made around 5:50 mark: PJTV: Afterburner with Bill Whittle — Unserious People We Texans and TAG sponsored a training day called Catalyst 730 in Austin yesterday. One … Continue reading
Encrypt File Folders with TrueCrypt
I recently converted some of my personal folders (like MyDocuments) to reside within an encrypted file. Besides the obvious benefit of keeping the information in that folder more private, another reason was so I can take the contents of the … Continue reading
Encrypt Messages using PGP / GnuPG
If you ever want to keep your electronic messages very private, using something called a ‘public-key cryptography’ is a good way to do it. The common implementation of this method is known as PGP, which stands for “pretty good privacy”. (it is … Continue reading
Bucky Roberts and
One of my personal goals is to teach myself how to program in java. After falling asleep while reading tutorials, I clicked on youtube and then found Bucky Robert’s java tutorials. They are good. After going through the first 18, … Continue reading
The Problem with the Federal Reserve in 20 Seconds
Federal Reserve in under 20 seconds
Posted in Politics
Tagged central banking, Federal Reserve, G. Eward Griffin, hidden tax, inflation, Video
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Ron Paul: George Bush “Deep Into” CIA Drug Trafficking – YouTube
“I think that might be the number 1 reason for the drug laws. …not for high prices for some two-bit drug dealer, as much as to raise the funds necessary for governments to illegal things. …The sooner we get rid … Continue reading
Ben Swann: “No Country Would Tolerate Missiles From Outside Borders” U.S. Hypocrisy? – YouTube
Ben Swann: “No Country Would Tolerate Missiles From Outside Borders” U.S. Hypocrisy? – YouTube.
You Might be a Statist if…
You Might be a Redneck Statist if… (more at
Bill Whittle at Restoration Weekend
I guess my love affair with Bill Whittle is now over. He is great at speaking and conveying messages. He is right about almost everything almost every time. Except that neocon thing. Listen to his great speech below. So many … Continue reading