I hooked up an old analog camera I had laying around (one of the 15!) to an Axis 2400+ video server I bought off of ebay for $40. A little script that runs every minute and copies a picture from zoneminder to my webhost account. I added the picture as a widget to this website in the sidebar under the weather station doohickey. Once I verify the picture quality in the daylight, I’ll add it the weather cams at wunderground.com.
script file: #!/bin/sh wget "http://localhost/zm/cgi-bin/zms?mode=single&monitor=11&user=x&pass=y" -O backyard.jpg HOST='ftpaddress.briangallimore.com' USER='username@briangallimore.com' PASSWD='ftp_password' FILE='backyard.jpg' ftp -n $HOST <<END_SCRIPT quote USER $USER quote PASS $PASSWD binary put $FILE quit END_SCRIPT exit 0