In preparation for many hours in the car, I went ahead and finally purchased Tom Woods Liberty Classroom so I could listen to his lectures on the trip. I wasn’t prepared for how many hours lectures and material you get! I started listening to “US History to 1877”, and after 14 + hours in the car, I’m not even half-way though yet. This is the non-politically-correct version of history, where you hear what happened from a point of view that isn’t white-washed by the victors of war. So far I’ve learned what a pain in the ass Sam Adams was, why the nuances of the religious beliefs of the original colonies mattered, and what those differences were, how George Washington screwed up several times in his early years — one of them leading to a war, and how slavery played a part in everything that happened (chances are it is not like you think). All of this is so fascinating to me and makes me wonder why I hated history so much when I was in school. Could be my teachers were usually football coaches that didn’t give a rats-ass about education, but more likely that I was a young idiot that didn’t
care about learning. If I made the laws, kids that didn’t care would be kicked out of school and sent to work. This stuff is so valuable and interesting — it gives context and meaning to problems and discussions we are still having today.
I’ll continue working my way though this awesome material, but wanted to publish my recommendation for it also. If you want to get a feel for what this is, check out the free samples of some of the lectures. This is valuable knowledge and I hope other people are as excited about it as I am.
(disclosure: I get a kick-back on orders placed via the links in this article)