Links, Videos, and News – January 26, 2013

Although I despise Newt Gingrich for other reasons, I highly respect his perspective on history, his intellect, and ability to debate and articulate concepts so well.  After the assclown Piers Morgan shuts his pie hole and lets Newt speak, Newt does a good job of explaining the second amendment and why we should not ban so called assault weapons now.  (I would have been much happier if he was consistent with the US Constitution and stated the machine gun ban was also a violation of the second amendment)

Newt Gingrich Takes on Piers Morgan on Guns Control – 1/24/13


from John Jay Myers:

On a friend of mine’s wall someone had commented “What kind of gun do you really need to have?” To that I say:

If there were a riot going on outside your house like the L.A. Riots what kind of gun would you like to have?

528848_10151393869111743_986086194_nIf these three guys broke into your house, what type of gun would you like to have?

If by some miracle we actually reduced our military by 80% brought our troops home thus balancing the budget, & ending terrorism (or the threat of it to us as we know it) with one catch, citizens need to keep and bear arms so that if we are ever invaded we will be able to fend off any foreign army…. what type of gun would you like to have?

If enough people who believe that the average joe should give up his guns, took away everyone’s guns, then Goldman Sachs (ie our government) decides that they don’t like free speech either… what type of gun would you like to have?

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