So, is anyone else disturbed by the announcement from the WHITE HOUSE, requesting you send “fishy disinformation” (read dissenting opinion) regarding anti-socialized healthcare to them? (for God knows what purpose) How do you feel about the ever growing, power hungry, corrupt, leadership collecting your email address and possibly more?
The first amendment of the US Constitustion specifically prohibits the federal government from “abridging the freedom of speech, …and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Just a reminder, in case you are someone who still believes this document is important.
This action is dispicpicbible in my opinion. What is happening in Washington DC (District of Corruption)?
I recommend sending several emails to “” containing all the information you can gather about why you might not think swift, expensive, unread, misunderstood, socialized healthcare legislation is a great idea. I just did. If you need some help, go here and here.
Dude – I’ve been doing my best. I went to you-tube, searched ‘fishing’ and have been forwarding all the funny fishing video’s I can find.
I hope they enjoy them, I have.
I agree with BigKen! Hope you enjoy all the “fishy” messages you get! Turn in our neighbors indeed! Disgraceful – to think in America this would even be a possibility!
I must confess; I am a well-dressed mob member. Long live Brooks Bros.!
I really want to turn in Mr. Saul Alinsky. He has been going about trying to organize all of us against one of the finest members of the Communist Party that we have witnessed in recent memory, that of course is Commrade Obama. Commrade Obama not only renders himself to the casue, but he brings his minions as well. We see the likes of Messrs. Emmanuel, Carville, Podesta, Frank, Reid, Princess Nancy Pelosi and a cast of thousands more in the US House and Senate. We think that all of thses people need to be rounded up by the agents of ICE or the Secret Service as insurgents and those contrary to the US Constitution. Please do this before they can do anymore harm to our Nation. Thanks
Saul Alinsky
I googled “sign up for daily email newsletter” this morning and signed up for as many daily e-newsletters as I could.
I also forwarded them Kathleen Sebelius’ Op Ed from Tues because it was FULL of misinformation. Seemed pretty fishy to me.
Any Dorf videos?
I would love to send them a delicious bass.
I think we should forward all the fishy emails to, after all it is only fair to report ALL the fishy emails to the White house ( some of the ads re. adding inches seem absolutely fishy to me, it seems to be selling misinformation re healthcare). I think Pres Obama is on to something here.
I think something fishy is going on in the White House. I think you all stink. I can’t wait until November so we can get rid of some of you spineless idiots in Washington.
Dear Comrade “Bolshevik” Barack,
Your chief of propaganda, Robert Gibbs, is one, big smelly fish.