Garden Hose Quick Connects

A long time ago, I bought some solid brass garden hose quick connects. They worked great. I loved them. I decided all my hoses should have these. Fast forward 20 years. The big box stores don’t sell them any more. They sell the flimsy plastic versions. You can order some from the internet, but the connections are the wrong gender— the male part that is exposed to sunlight and abrasion has an o-ring on it that is exposed and will surely get quickly destroyed. Where did the good parts go? About half of the ‘solid brass’ things you order from Amazon are fake parts from China that are made from aluminum.

I think the originals that I bought at Home Depot years ago were the Nelson 50336. They are solid brass and last forever*. I don’t find these in stores any longer though. You can still order these, but they seem harder to find.

There are some that look like they might work, but the design is different. They reduced the size of the female coupler and removed the inner o-ring. The seal of the coupled joint relies on a special stepped washer that seals against the very edge of the male end and relies on pressure between the two parts to work. These are leaky (you have to screw it on the hose end just right) and are sometimes very hard to get connected. These are junk!

My local Ace hardware sells a set that looks like it is compatible, but has several extra parts that are all wrong… I guess if you want to be frustrated all the time because you have the wrong end of the hose needed, this might be a possible solution. I didn’t want to pay for extra things I didn’t want, so I kept looking.

Elliot’s hardware in Allen has the right connectors, but they are a little expensive ($10). Brand name is Landscapers Select and part number is 8472417.

(*) eventually, the sealing o-ring on the inside of the female coupler wears out. (like after 15 years of constant use). I ordered a supply of -018 o-rings thinking they were the correct size but they were wrong, the ID was too large and were leaky. The -115 o-rings are the correct size, but if you try to use a hard material (90), the fit is so tight you can’t connect the couplers with standard human powered hands. I ordered a set of medium (70) hardness o-rings and hope they will work.

I also ordered a metric o-ring because I’m thinking maybe that is the correct part. 18 mm ID, 22 mm ID, 2 mm cross section.

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Interior trailer lights

I worked with Ray Ray to add lights inside scout troop 1914’s trailer today.  We wanted the lights to work even if the tire vehicle was disconnected.  We also wanted to ‘scout proof’ it in a few ways. 

  • Minimize the chance of draining the battery
  • If the battery is drained, protect the tow vehicle from supplying excessive current to dead battery

Started by welding a frame for new battery to the front of the trailer.  Taped holes so I could use bolts without backer nuts.

The battery box has enough room for added terminal block, fuse block, and 12v to 12v battery charger.  The terminal block will make troubleshooting wiring issues easier.  The fuse block prevents a failure in one circuit from disabling everything.  The battery charger prevents the tow vehicle from being overloaded attempting to charge a dead battery.  I added professional printed shrink wrap wire labels to help the next guy who has to work on this.

Inside the trailer are new led lights.  The light switch is a mechanical 15 minute timer.  This prevents the lights being left on and draining the battery.

We also added a 12 hr mechanical timer switch that powers a USB charger.  This will be used to charge our tire inflator or cell phones.  The usb outlet also displays the battery voltage so we can monitor the charge state.

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Boy Scout Shotgun Range

We had some extra time at the boy scout shotgun range, so the boys gathered up some unused food and we shot at it. I was elected ‘best shot’ and ‘best choice to shoot stuff’. Here is a quick video of me shooting an egg and being cheered on by the crowd.

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Philmont Scout Ranch Backpacking Trek

Bryson and I completed a 12-day backpacking trip at Philmont Scout Ranch. This was my first time visiting the ranch. I felt lucky to get to go, because I’ve heard stories from people who have worked or visited Philmont and everyone has good things to say about their experiences. The hikes (especially the elevation changes) can be very challenging, but the sites are beautiful, and the staff camps have fun activities like spar pole climbing, rock climbing, bouldering, cowboy action shooting, chuck wagon dinners, campfire shows and more.

Day 0

We arrived at base camp ‘a day early’, which was great because it gave us time to get unpacked, figure out how the dining hall operated, and get orientated. We stopped to eat at Taco Villa in Amarillo and toured the National Scout Museum when we arrived at Philmont.

Day 1

We met our ranger and she guided through meeting all the people and going the processes of getting checked in and approved to go on the trail. It was a day of “go walk over here and meet with this person”. My favorite part thing was the Tooth of Time Traders Store. This store was amazing! It is like REI that only has camping gear, but all the best of everything you need.

We rolled in yesterday about 5:00 and did some stuff like playing volleyball. Ultimately not much. We learned that you get to chant before meals. All I’ll say is seat-belt. This morning, after breakfast, we met our ranger, Bella. We spent the day going through the check-in process. Registration to meds to equipment check-out, back to our tents, to logistics planning meeting, then finally lunch. Crew STINKY stole our chant. They got to eat before us and seat belted and ruined our chant. They were promptly shunned. After lunch we had pack shakedowns, and assigned crew gear. I passed with flying colors. We then had some free time. I ate a delicious chocolate soft serve cone and then went to see cherry trees. They were in front of Villa Philmonte, Wade Phillips’ mansion. The cherries were very yummy. We then walked around the property and Mason tried to break in. I made him see reason. We are planning to do a tour on the way back. When we started walking back to camp it started raining. I forgot my rain jacket. NOT FUN. After dinner, we played some Volleyball, went to a church service, then opening campfire. I’m pretty tired writing this but ready to hit the trails tomorrow. Sleepy.

Day 2

This was our first day of hiking. We started at Ponil Trailhead, went to Ponil for activities, then to Flume Canyon to set up camp for the night. I set up my tent amount a stand of trees and close the a stream and could hear the water flowing all night. It was an awesome place. A really skilled brander burned in the Philmont brand into my Nalgene bottle, then we did some roping and root beer drinking.

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ESP32 / Arduino IDE

While trying to help my son with schoolwork, I searched for simple and cheap micro controller tutorial and found the ESP32 series of products. For $15, I bought a starter kit that included the micro controller on a development board, a nice OLED display, 10amp relay board, solderless breadboard, various sensors, LEDs, switches, resistors, and hookup wires. (It also included a non-functional USB cable that caused me some lost time)

A few things that stood out to me that made the ESP32 attractive were:

  • Can use the Arduino IDE, which means it has huge support and examples, and geared toward the beginner
  • Code is compatible with Arduino devices, which means all the existing projects built on Arduino devices can be used. (lots of these on the Internet)
  • Has wifi built in
  • Has bluetooth built in
  • Has lots of I/O pins that can be used for inputs, outputs, ADC, DAC, serial, etc.
  • inexpensive

I was amazed at how fast and easy it was to get started. The development board is powered from the USB port of your computer, and requires no additional wiring to load programs. The hardest thing is adding in ESP32 library to the standard Arduino IDE, which is as simple as searching and clicking “install”.

Adding libraries to Arduino IDE is easy.

When libraries are installed, lots of example projects are imported and show up in the File > Examples menu. This was super useful!

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Conveyor Shaft Encoder Pulse Calculator

I created a simple webpage using javascript that calculates some key data given conveyor speed, pulley size, and PPR resolution settings. It is live at

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DIY Automatic Transfer Switch

I created an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) using a DPDT (2 switchover contacts) relay and 2 motor contactors linked with a mechanical interlock module.

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Wiring Schematic for Bad Boy ZTE Mower

I drew up a partial set (relay functions) of wiring schematics for a 2014 Bad Boy ZT Elite zero-turn mower. These hand-sketched drawings are based on the wiring diagram provided in the user manual. If you are like me, you need to see a schematic to understand the functionality and the diagram they provided is of limited use. Hopefully, these will help someone else out in the future!

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Aiden’s Picture in the local Newspaper

Two pictures of Aiden participating in a local trash pickup service project were published in today’s local newspaper.

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Canadian BWCA Canoe Trip

Canoed 65 miles (not including taxi or fishing), 23 portages in BWCA (Boundry Waters Canoe Area) for 9 days and 8 nights. Traveled by van about 2400 miles from Allen TX to Ely MN. The total trip was 13 days and 12 nights. We had 2 crews, with a total of 15 people.

Day 1: 10.1 miles, 4 portages. Started at Prairie Portage, through Basswood Lake, Sunday Lake, Meadows Lake, and Agnes Lake. This was an exhausting day, both mentally and physically. The portages were very hard, the campsite we planned on staying at was already occupied, and the one we found was not great– lots of mosquitos. The highlight was the grilled flatiron steaks for dinner and getting to go to sleep right afterward. Sorted out food rations when at camp and realized we accidentally ate 2 lunches today instead of 1 and were short the meat from 1 more lunch. Our fresh eggs broke and leaked goo all over other items. Already used up 1 of our 5 propane bottles.

Day 2: 6.2 miles. Agnes Lake. A relaxing day, set up hammocks, and a little fishing. I slipped on the rocks near the shore while cleaning a plate and fell right on my tailbone. Very painful in the moment and for weeks later!

Day 3: 14.8 miles, 3 portages. Agnes Lake, Bird Lake, Anubis Lake, Kawnipi Lake. Big push to get through Agnes and on to Kawnipi. Struggled to find one of the portages, got lost once, and didn’t get to a campsite until sunset. Long and hard day on the water. Woke up at 3am shivering from the cold, and realized I needed a pad under my sleeping bag to retain heat.

Day 4: 4.1 miles. Kawnipi Lake. We moved campsites and spent the afternoon fishing. The crew caught enough fish to make a big dinner from it that night. I had the highest fish count of the day with 3. We caught small mouth bass and northern pike. We convinced our crew leader to shorten our trek a little to give us more slack time. Some of us were worried that we might not have enough time to make the return trip if anything went wrong.

Day 5: 6.0 miles, 3 portages. Kawnipi Lake, Keewatin Lake, Agnes Lake. I made the decision to switch out my water shoes for dry socks and boots at each portage. This eats up some time but gives me much better footing and support, which is much needed. The boys don’t have a problem slipping and falling as much as I do!

Day 6: 12.0 miles, 5 portages. Agnes Lake (big waves/wind), Silence Lake, Sultry Lake, Summer Lake, Noon Lake, and Shade Lake. (GPS batteries died) I slipped and fell on a wet slimey rock at a portage and got all my gear wet, including my sleeping bag. That made for a cold night! We accidently found the other crew from our troop and shared their campsite for the night. (it was a huge campsite, so space was not a problem) It was good to catch up and swap stories about our trek so far.

Day 7: 0 miles. Shade Lake. We all slept late, relaxed, took naps, and did some fishing. I made real coffee for the first time, which tasted much better than the instant. The highlight of the day was catching and eating my own fish. (only shared it with Bryson, who paddled me around the lake all afternoon)

Day 8: 8.2 miles, 7 portages. Shade Lake, West Lake, South Lake, a few beaver dams, and Basswood Lake. Camped at the only sandy beach, where we relaxed in hammocks, took naps, swims, and sat in the sun on the beach. The mosquitos were light due to the huge swarms of dragon flys, but the dragon flies disappeared at sundown and the blood-sucking devils had their way with us.

Day 9: 3.6 miles, 1 portage. Basswood Lake to Prairie Portage. A very leisurely float (the wind was at our back the whole time) to the pickup point. We at lunch in the shade under some trees on the lake, and explored the falls at Prairie Portage.

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