Our culture is truth deficient and the historical centers of truth have broken down


I’m supporting Ben Swann’s “Liberty is Rising Truth in Media Project” Kickstarter project, and I think you should too.  Lots of people are waking up to the fact that most (all) of what you see on television is more about pushing an agenda than reporting the truth.  It goes beyond bias, it is just open prostitution and useful idiots doing what they do… the bidding of someone else.  Ben Swann became noted for covering subjects others wouldn’t touch and for telling the truth.  For example, he is one of the very few who brought up the POTUS’ kill list during an interview.  Read more about his work on the kickstarter page, from the link above.  He is breaking away from ‘the old media’ and doing something crazy, and I think he is going to be very successful!

Kickstarter is an online system that allows someone to get buy-in and capital to start a project without debt and without being beholden to a third party non-customer.  It is the best of democracy in action:  You want something to happen, fund it, upfront.  It is crowd-sourcing.  It is the stuff that is changing our world for the better.  I’m a big fan.  Click on the link to the project and learn more, and be a part of something good.


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