My First (real) Open Water Dive

It was about 10 years ago when I took a class in college and became scuba certified. Being that we were in west Texas, my certification dive occurred in a pond that was about 15 feet deep. On our honeymoon, we did a little off-shore dive in Mexico, and that was about 7 years ago. Yesterday, I went out with a few of the guys I work with to see if I could remember how to do it. Ken and Lisha just went through their class and had brand new equipment:

I climbed up on top (14 foot high) of this platform for a better view. Most excellent.

There were several things I forgot about, and I wound up floating away from the boat in the current while trying to put my fins on. I started to panic and get freaked out, which didn’t help any.

I made it back to the boat and calmed down a bit, then we continued on underwater as a group. Of course I was the first one out of air! Ken was taking pictures with his underwater camera… I hope to get a copy of those soon. We found some pretty neat critters.

We headed back to land (took about an hour) at sunset. It is hard to worry about much when this is what you see.

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2 Responses to My First (real) Open Water Dive

  1. Nancy says:

    now you are probably going to have another expensive hobby

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